[center][h1][b][i][color=darkorchid]James Tanner[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a8/62/a3/a862a30a1445eda694d4d88f5ee3883c--taron-egerton-photoshoot.jpg[/img] [sub][i]Location: B&B ----> Cafe[/i][/sub] [hr][hr] [/center] James' morning began - as per usual - by being awoken by the rather wet, warm, and bad breath of his dog, Allie. She wasn't shy when it came to sharing her odours, especially if the goal was to get him up to put some food in her belly. And his own, but James was fairly sure that Allie didn't care whether he got his breakfast or not. Pushing her snout gently away as he got up, James yawned and stretched a tad too vigorously, as he winced when his stitches pulled with the movement. While his assortment of claws and fang wounds were healing quite nicely, they still stung like a bugger, and likely would do until the stitches were removed. Still, that would be a few more days, and James had other things to prioritise first. Of course, breakfast. Well, Allie's breakfast, anyway. [color=darkorchid]"Alright Allie, calm it."[/color] The half-hearted order for the lolloping Great Dane to stop jumping over him did nothing; he'd like to think that it was just because it was stuttered through another yawn as he climbed out of bed and dug through his bag for dog food, but it was because when Allie was hungry, she loved ignoring him. Half the time she actually listened to commands like "sit" and "stay" was only to impress strangers. [i]Show-off.[/i] After his dog was fed (and her mess cleaned up), James threw on some clothes and set out for the day, Allie in tow on leash. He wasn't needed at the farm today, so he had a good chance to explore the town of Red Lake a bit more. Between hospital visits and organising various work permits, shelter and a job, he hadn't had all that much time to really look around. Although a small town, there was bound to be little oddities and places of interest that would take up his time. However, he'd certainly be avoiding the surrounding forests for a while... with that pack of wolves on the loose and everything. Or was it a pack? Surely a lone wolf couldn't be responsible for his wounds... and then of course that local girl going missing. Part of James wished he'd tracked down the wolf that had attacked him, just to see if he could have helped her. But he wasn't even entirely sure when she disappeared, or if he'd have even survived what had happened if he hadn't burnt rubber getting the hell out of there and to a hospital. As James was musing all of this as he left the B&B, a loud conversation caught his attention behind one of the doors. At a guess, it was that couple who had been there for about half the time he had... beyond the PI and the FBI Agent, they seemed to be the only other guests at the hotel. Not being one to pry or eavesdrop, James didn't linger outside their door, but couldn't help but overhear on where they planned to go. The lake was an area he hadn't seen yet, but with it's closeness to the forests, he wasn't particularly eager to do so. Especially at night, which was when the couple seemed to indicate. Hoping they knew enough about the recent events to be wary of wild animals, James went on his way and left the bed and breakfast. While they supplied the latter of course, he fancied a slight change. Cafes and diners would surely give him better local cuisine than a cheap hotel. Unfortunately, the breakfast was no different at the local cafe. The bacon was just as disappointing, and the eggs just as amazingly runny - but beggars couldn't be choosers, and James was too hungry to complain about american cuts of pork products at the moment. Paired with a steaming cup of coffee and toast, he leant back in the comfortable chair after demolishing half of his meal, taking in the rest of the people in the building. They seemed... normal. The atmosphere was a lot nicer than the quiet B&B, but James had expected something a little more. What exactly he wanted, he wasn't sure, but something compelling was telling him to stay in this town. And while he liked to brush over it, the attack from the wolf in the forest was involved in it. [color=darkorchid]"How about you, Allie? You alright here?"[/color] James asked her softly, and she gazed up at him for a moment before settling her head back on her paws at his feet. James knew it was pointless asking; not because she couldn't answer, but because he knew she was content as long as their was food in her belly.