[center] [h3] An Alley [/h3] [@floodtalon][/center] [hr] As Ace finished up with dealing his [I] Justice [/I] and began to walk back to his bike, an odd sound emanated from behind him. The sound was wet, and crunchy, and... Was it possible for a sound to sound like everything at once? The two bodies were reforming, growing into an unidentifiable mass of flesh, blood, and body parts in the wrong places. Moments later it took on a relatively humanoid form, before restructuring into an obviously female form. [I]#Hello, my child.#[/I] came a distorted speech from the thing's mouth. [I]#You have been seeking what you cannot find.#[/I] The... Meat puppet... Walked closer to Ace, leaving a trail of blood and excess behind it. [I]#I can give you answers that you seek... If you think you're strong enough. Ready enough. Can you handle the Justice you must give in return? Can you lose everything, again? Come with me. Be with me. Come to me, my child...#[/I]