[center][hider=Emperor Palpatine] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/a3/Emperor_Palpatine_GA.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20170503060153[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0bmTgOm.png[/img] [b]Title:[/b] Darth Sidious [b]Age:[/b] 81 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Origin:[/b] [i]Star Wars[/i] Canon [b]Objectives:[/b] Emperor Palpatine desires to take control of the Array as a secret area in which to produce star destroyers and other massive super weapons to defeat the Rebel Alliance and restore order to his Empire, as well as finding a way to connect the Array with his galaxy. [b]Temperament:[/b] Emperor Palpatine is a master manipulator and extremely talented and careful in creating a charade, capable of hiding his own thoughts and feelings as shown when he rose to power as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and then created the Galactic Empire. While seemingly much more negotiable and calm when talking to others, he is reported to be even more cold than even to the likes of Darth Vader. He can create alliances with allies that he sees will help him with his cause and once they have finished their duty, Palpatine usually discards or exterminates them. He's also known to have sadistic tendencies when torturing his opponents, especially with force lightning. [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Galactic Empire [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil [b]Background:[/b] Shortly after the events of [i]Marvel’s[/i] [u]Star Wars: Darth Vader[/u] comics, Emperor Palpatine awards Darth Vader by having him reclaim control of the entire Imperial fleet, including his personal fleet Death Squadron and the Super Star Destroyer the [i]Executor[/i] from Grand General Cassio Tagge, after being punished by his master for his failure in defending the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Shortly after, both sith lords continued in their attempt to crush the Rebel Alliance and to secure peace through the galaxy. However, while they were attempting to make a hyperspace jump to the planet Fondor to check up on the major Imperial shipyards of that area, alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn and General Veers, a freak anomaly caused the Executor and five other escorting star destroyers to jump into a completely new and unknown location. For several days the fleet tried to figure out where they were in the galaxy and attempted to contact any nearby Imperial Forces, but alas they were unsuccessful. After one week in unknown space, the fleet arrived at the Array, and immediately they began planning on their next course of action. The plan set forth was to invade the planet and gather up as many resources to refuel and resupply the Imperial Navy and find a way to get back to friendly lines. Vader is in charge of overseeing the ground operations personally alongside General Veers, while Emperor Palpatine oversees the operation from above, alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn, and stay onboard the star destroyers to eliminate any hostile forces that attempt to jeopardize their efforts. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Expert Swordsmanship:[/b] Despite his frail appearance, Palpatine is incredibly skilled in lightsaber combat, being one of the greatest duelists of all time. Sidious has an extremely aggressive dueling style and augmented his swordplay by using Force-enhanced speed, which has allowed him to defeat three experienced Jedi Masters at once with very little effort in the past. His style is a combination of brutal aggression and lethal precision making him an almost unstoppable opponent. He can also wield two lightsabers at once and use them masterfully. However, like his apprentice Darth Vader, he prefers to use his force abilities rather than his lightsaber, only using it in rare instances when its deemed necessary. [*] [b]Master Manipulator:[/b] Using the dark side of the force to hide his true thoughts and feels, Palpatine can put up a straight face when lying to other individuals. This makes it hard to initial find out if he's lying or not. [*] [b]Professional Politician:[/b] Having experience with leading the Republic and the Empire, Palpatine has extensive knowledge in politics. [/list] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]The Force:[/b] As the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith in his time, Palpatine is incredibly powerful in the Force. While he uses all the regular force techniques of a sith lord, such as telekinesis, force choke, and the like, he is most infamous for being a master practitioner of Force lightning, using this power both as a deadly attack, and as a means of torture. He can also use force telepathy to contact others from extremely far distances. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Lightsaber:[/b] Palpatine’s lightsaber is his primary weapon against jedi and other opponents. While he usually uses the force to dispatch lesser victims, he is never afraid to wield in times where it deems necessary. [*] [b]Cane:[/b] Palpatine can be occasionally seen using a cane while looking, however he doesn't actually need one, and usues to make himself look weak. [/list] [b]Protagonist Points:[/b] TBA [b]Threat Rating:[/b] 2 [/hider] [/center] [center][hider=Darth Vader] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c2/Darth-Vader-RO-SWCT.png/revision/latest?cb=20170507213950[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fp8Guuv.png[/img] [b]Real Name:[/b] Anakin Skywalker [b]Age:[/b] 37 Years [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Origin:[/b] [i]Star Wars[/i] Canon [b]Objectives:[/b] As the Emperor’s brutal enforcer, Lord Vader attends to every command that his master orders. He is to lead the invasion of the Array and oversee the gathering and mining operations on the planet, as well as strike down any opponents that deems a threat to the Empire. [b]Temperament:[/b] Vader is definitely someone that you shouldn’t piss off on his bad days. He is ruthless, virtually devoid of mercy, and is known to occasionally kill his own officers for their failures. The Dark Lord also had absolutely no qualms about using torture to accomplish his goals and is also known to manipulate others for his own doings or on behalf of the Emperor. Considered to be the Empire's first terror weapon and noted to employ antiquated diction, he is tenacious and looks seemingly unstoppable, making most Imperial naval officers uncomfortable. Contrary to the rocky relationships he had with most Imperial officers, his rapport towards stormtroopers mirrors in many ways his former persona's relationship to the Republic's clone troopers when he was a jedi. Part of his reputation was that he will normally be quiet (and thus his presence made for a good implied threat to others), whereas shows of passivity were not. Indeed, it is well-known that he usually prefers to oversee operations personally, using action to block out any intruding feelings. He is also frequently at odds with those who lacks faith in the Force, finding it "disturbing" or even blasphemous. [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Galactic Empire [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Evil [b]Background:[/b] Shortly after the events of [i]Marvel’s[/i] [u]Star Wars: Darth Vader[/u] comics, Vader finally takes back control of the entire Imperial fleet, including his personal fleet Death Squadron and the Super Star Destroyer the [i]Executor[/i], from Grand General Cassio Tagge, after being punished by Palpatine for his failure in defending the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Now back in the Emperor’s good graces, both sith lords continued in their attempt to crush the Rebel Alliance and to secure peace through the galaxy. However, while they were attempting to make a hyperspace jump to the planet Fondor to check up on the major Imperial shipyards of that area, alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn and General Veers, a freak anomaly caused the Executor and five other escorting star destroyers to jump into a completely new and unknown location. For several days the fleet tried to figure out where they were in the galaxy and attempted to contact any nearby Imperial Forces, but alas they were unsuccessful. After one week in unknown space, the fleet arrived at the Array, and immediately they began planning on their next course of action. The plan set forth was to invade the planet and gather up as many resources to refuel and resupply the Imperial Navy and find a way to get back to friendly lines. Vader is in charge of overseeing the ground operations personally alongside General Veers, while Emperor Palpatine and Admiral Thrawn stay onboard the star destroyers to eliminate any hostile forces that attempt to jeopardize their efforts. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Superior Swordsmanship:[/b] Darth Vader has a natural talent when it comes to wielding sword-based weapons, especially when in the possession of his crimson lightsaber. While his cybernetic enhancements and armor has somewhat limited his mobility compared to when he was a jedi, his dueling style became visually more direct than it had been and his power is much stronger. [*] [b]Expert Pilot:[/b] As Skywalker, he was already an incredibly skilled pilot, showing an amazing ability that few were able to surpass. Even after becoming Vader, he remained an exceptionally skilled pilot, as shown when he single-handedly almost destroyed Phoenix Squadron in a lone TIE Advanced x1, easily out-flying their entire fleet and forcing their command to abandon ship, and when he almost obliterated several Alliance squadrons during the Battle of Vrogas Vas. Despite this, he would otherwise be shot down on a regular basis during his combat piloting career. [*] [b]Mechanic:[/b] While rarely used, Vader is certainly capable at repairing technology, mostly due to the fact that he built and created various technology when he was a mere boy. [/list] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]The Force:[/b] Vader was already incredibly skilled with the force during his time as jedi Anakin Skywalker. Yet after his cybernetic reconstruction, Vader's connection to the Force strengthened considerably, to the point where his master Sidious once complimented his powers as being "unparallelled". Though his injuries had crippled his physical body, Vader believed that the suffering that he had experienced had both perfected his spirit and freed him from the needs of the flesh, allowing him to concentrate solely on his relationship to the Force. He is extremely well versed in telekinesis, being powerful enough to take down starships and throw items at opponents while engaging in lightsaber conflicts, as well in other force abilities such as force push/pull, force barrier, force crush, force jump, force deflect, force speed, and his infamous force choke. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Lightsaber:[/b] Darth Vader’s lightsaber is his primary weapon against jedi and other opponents. While he usually uses the force to dispatch lesser victims, he is never afraid to wield in times where it deems necessary. [/list] [b]Protagonist Points:[/b] TBD By GM [b]Threat Rating:[/b] 2 [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Boba Fett] [img]https://www.sideshowtoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Boba-Fett-Stawars-silo-902491.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uKpanqX.png[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 32 Years [b]Race:[/b] Human (Clone of Jango Fett) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Origin:[/b] [i]Star Wars[/i] Canon [b]Objectives:[/b] Boba's doesn't have a clear agenda in the Array. He's simply there because the Empire has hired him several jobs that require of his services. However, he has toyed the idea of creating a crime syndicate of smugglers and other bounty hunters sometime in the near future. If that doesn't succeed, he'll find a way out of the Array. [b]Temperament:[/b] Boba Fett is a bounty hunter, meaning he can work with almost anyone as long as they pay him well. He isn't necessarily the best at dealing with other competition calmly, but he may accept working with someone as long as he gets a share of the rewards. However, if you're on his hit list, beware, as he is extremely lethal and rarely merciless to his bounty and will do almost anything to assure his success. You just have to be very lucky to get out alive. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Bounty Hunter ("Galactic Empire" as a major faction he works with) [b]Alignment:[/b] Independent Operative (True Neutral) [b]Background:[/b] During the events of Marvel's [i]Star Wars: Darth Vader[/i] comics, Boba Fett was last seen on a mission for Darth Vader to track down the rebel who destroyed the Death Star, who was associated with a man named Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a smuggling vessel known as the Millennium Falcon. The mission lead Boba to the town of Mos Eisley in Tatooine, where the wretched hive of scum and villainy resided and where Han Solo, captain of the Falcon, usually resides. Long story short, Boba finds the pilot whom he catches as Skywalker. The two fought in a brutal battle inside the deceased Kenobi's home in the Jundland Wastes and it seemed as the bounty hunter was going to win. However, a box marked "For Luke" suddenly flew across the room and collided with Boba's head, knocking him unconscious. Skywalker and his astromech were equally surprised, but quickly left the hut and Tatooine, leaving Boba to report the events that had transpired to Lord Vader. While reporting that the boy had "gotten lucky", he did reveal Skywalker's name to the dark lord. Vader remained silent for some time, so Boba left, for their present business was concluded. Unknown to Boba, he had just told the Dark Lord that he had a son. Now Boba is called upon the Empire once again for several jobs taking place in the Array. His compliance will earn him an extreme amount of credits if he succeeds in all of them, at least that's what the Empire claims. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Expert Unarmed Combatant:[/b] Trained by his father, Jango Fett, Boba is extremely well versed in unarmed combat, while also being known to use dirty tricks to swipe his opponents off balance with his sharp cunning and wit. [*] [b]Superior Marksman:[/b] Boba is an expert marksman and has access to considerable weaponry, being able to place most of his shots on his targets. Despite having this high-tech arsenal, he was not dependent on it and is perfectly capable to stand alone with his bare hands. [*] [b]Skilled Pilot:[/b] Boba Fett is a skilled pilot taking after his father Jango Fett, using his ship, Slave One, to its maximum effort and skill. [/list] [b]Abilities:[/b] N/A [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [b]EE-3 Carbine Rifle:[/b] Boba Fett's signature weapon, the EE-3 Carbine is an optically fitted blaster rifle capable of three-round burst fire at long ranges, but had lower accuracy and stopping power compared to larger rifles. [*] [b]Sacros K-11 Blaster Pistol:[/b] A blaster pistol used as a secondary weapon for Boba. [*] [b]Mandalorian Armor:[/b] Boba Fett's Mandalorian armor was originally constructed from duraplast, allowing it to sustain a great deal of damage without degrading. Despite its battle-scarred look, it has saved his life several times during his career. [*] [b]Flamethrower Wrist Gauntlet:[/b] Boba's left wrist gauntlet contains a flamethrower that creates a cone of fire five meters long and one meter in diameter. It had a corded fuel line connecting to a backpack canister holding fuel for three minutes of operation. [*] [b]Dur-24 wrist laser:[/b] Boba's left wrist gauntlet also has a mounted laser weapon located directly below the flamethrower socket that combined the full firepower of a standard blaster rifle with a range of up to 50 meters. [*] [b]Whipcord Launcher:[/b] Boba's right wrist gauntlet has a fibercord whip with a grappling device: a 20-meter-long fibercord whip used to entangle and immobilize a target. It also held retractable vibro-blades and a dart launcher. [*] [b]Wrist Rocket:[/b] Boba's right wrist gauntlet can also fire a wrist rocket which utilized computer target tracking. [*] [b]Rocket Dart Launchers:[/b] Boba also had knee pads with rocket dart launchers. These small launchers used Malkite themfar or Fex-M3, molecular acid, stun agents, or explosive tips to deal considerably powerful damage. [*] [b]Anti-Security Blades:[/b] Anti-security blades were sophisticated devices that could defeat fence fields and tune out security cameras and other security systems. They functioned by emitting intense harmonic interference waves that caused devices and systems to malfunction. When they were set on a higher level, anti-security blades could erase magnetic locks and allow the operator to gain access to nearly any door. When set to the proper frequency they could also be used to jam comlinks. Boba kept anti-security blades in his shin pockets. [*] [b]Data Breaker:[/b] Data breakers are used to crack computer security systems and download and store data. Data breakers could be set to automatically, and selectively, download information concerning specific topics. Boba Fett used a particularly effective data breaker that could crack most secure systems and download up to 5,000 exabytes of data in a few moments. [*] [b]Thermal Detonators:[/b] Boba carried an assortment of grenades onboard, though he normally carries explosive thermal detonators. He can utilize other grenade types as well, including flash, stun, poison gas, etc. [*] [b]Vibroblade:[/b] Boba carried a spare vibroblade in case he had to engage in melee combat. [*] [b]Jetpack:[/b] Boba's jetpack can hold enough fuel for three 20-second blasts, 20 three-second blasts or one minute of continuous operation. Each three second blast can move him up to 100 meters horizontally or 7 meters vertically. Fett can reach a top speed of 145 kilometers per hour with a maximum range of two kilometers. Directional thrusters featured gyro-stabilizers to apply counter-thrust for maneuvering and landing. The top of the jet pack had a turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook with 20-meter lanyard (replaceable with 100 meters). A winch inside the launcher could lift up to 100 kilograms. The grappling hook unit was replaceable with an anti-vehicle homing missile. [*] [b]Slave One (Vehicle):[/b] Boba Fetts personal ship is armed with laser cannons and projectile launchers, as well as with deadly seismic charges. [/list] [b]Protagonist Points:[/b] 2 [b]Threat Rating:[/b] 1 [/hider] [/center] [hr] [center][hider=The Galactic Empire] [img]http://laoblogger.com/images/star-wars-empire-logo-clipart-2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EOyeRrG.png[/img] [b]Leader:[/b] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Sidious]Emperor Sheev Palpatine “Darth Sidious”[/url] [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Evil [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] [i]Star Wars[/i] “Canon” [b]Starting Situation:[/b] Void - The Empire remained hidden above the Ragnarock array during the first week and only now after accepting that they are unable to contact the rest of the Empire, they must head to the surface to mine for supplies to hyperspace back to their own galaxy. [b]Background:[/b] Rising to power in the final years of the Republic, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious gradually secured the government under his control through the persona of Sheev Palpatine, the last Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Through his machinations as both Sidious and Palpatine, the Sith were restored to a position of dominance amidst the fall of the Jedi Order and the marginalization of the Galactic Senate. Without the Jedi guardians of peace and justice to oppose him, Sidious brought an end to a thousand years of democracy; in its place he installed the absolute rule of himself as Galactic Emperor. For over two decades, opposition to the Imperial regime was ruthlessly suppressed by the rapidly expanding armed forces of the Empire. Throughout most of the Empire's existence, the Imperial Senate stood within the Empire as the last surviving symbol of the Republic. With the completion of the Death Star, the Emperor felt confident enough to dissolve the body of galactic representatives while maintaining his control over the galaxy through a collective of sector governors and the overall fear that the new battle station would inspire. However, the growing resentment to Imperial rule gradually led to the rise of various resistance movements that ultimately culminated in the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. United by a common goal, the Alliance became a viable threat to the Empire after its successful theft of the Death Star plans and the station's subsequent destruction at the Battle of Yavin. Now one year later, the Empire had finally completed the first Super Star Destroyer known as the Executor. While the Emperor, along with his dark apprentice Darth Vader and several other officers and generals, began to jump to hyperspace to reach the Imperial Shipyards of Fondor, an anomaly caused the main Capital ship, along with five other supporting Imperial II-class Star Destroyers and several Arquitens-class and Gozanti-class cruisers, to eventually find themselves emerge near the Ragnarock Array. Cut off from reinforcements and currently running out of fuel, the Empire must land on the planet’s surface to find more raw materials and Tibanna gas, if possible, to refuel their star destroyers and call for reinforcements. [b]Officers:[/b] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Anakin_Skywalker]Sith Lord Darth Vader[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mitth%27raw%27nuruodo/Canon]Grand Admiral Thrawn[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Maximillian_Veers]General Maximillian Veers[/url] [b]Victory Conditions:[/b] TBA [b]Special Resources:[/b] One of the Empire’s most valuable resources is tibanna gas, which is an extremely valuable resource used in hyperdrives, starship and blaster weaponry, and used as a coolant around the gravito-active elements of repulsorlifts. [b]Order of Battle:[/b] [u]Skirmish[/u] - When preparing to invade an unknown territory, the Empire often sends out Probe droids or a small platoon of stormtroopers to scout out the surrounding area. They also utilize scout troopers riding 74-Z speeder bikes to quickly scout out the area at a quick rate and reporting their findings back to central command. The empire will also deploy AT-STs (All Terrain Scout Transports) and sometimes TX-225A Occupier tanks to provide as stronger back up. [u]Battle[/u] - If the enemy has an extensive amount of forces backing them up, the Empire will send heavier weaponry to deal with them, such as the more powerful AT-ST Mark IIIs, HAVw A6 Juggernauts, and the mighty AT-AT walkers. More stormtroopers will also be placed on the ground with stronger weaponry, including rocket launchers, grenade launchers and even miniguns. If air support is being used by the opposing faction, TIE Fighters, TIE Strikers, and/or TIE Interceptors can be sent in to counter them. Darth Vader may appear on the battlefield alongside General Veers in his AT-AT. [u]Climax[/u] - Orbital bombardment can be called in as the Star Destroyers bombard the battlefield from high in the atmosphere. TIE Bombers can be called in to bomb the battlefield to flush out any remaining resistance. Elite Death Troopers can be deployed on the ground to snuff out the remaining resistance from the ground. Vader and rarely Palpatine can also appear at this time for a more devastating effect if the Death Troopers are too busy or unavailable. [b][u][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7HF4JG1pOg]Que The Theme[/url][/u][/b] [/hider] [/center]