[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! III[/color][/h2][/center] Things were heating up on the Rum Runner. The Shrimp's struck another goofy pose that Cedric had time to observe in utter amazement. [i][color=red]"We need a pose like that.."[/color][/i] Cedric was shocked at the speed in which Yellow had deflected his [b]Shotgunshot[/b]. The bolt of electricity from Caesar's machete was absorbed by Green in a flash. Suddenly, Dirk made his knife known and managed to successfully stab Yellow in the neck. It looked like a fatal blow. Then he disappeared behind the crates of rum. He was a deadly customer. Blue looked for him immediately afterward. Then Krabbe issued his orders to take on Bonesword above deck. Cedric couldn't help but smile. His first mate was an area of pride in Boone's life. Despite his age, Bonesword was [i]very[/i] powerful. After hearing their orders, Red tumbled his way towards the stairs. Cedric leveled his blunderbuss to blast him before he even had the chance. Just then, Violet shot directly to the side of Cedric's ear. The sound of shattered glass made Cedric wince in pain,[color=red][i]"Not the rum.."[/i][/color] He thought. It gave time for Red to ascend the stairs uninhibited. Afterward, the shooter issued a blatant challenge to Boone. There was no amusement on Cedric's face as he turned to meet his opponent's eyes. He retorted to the shooter,[color=red]"Seeing as you blew a hole in my ship and threatened my crew with imprisonment, I would like to give you a [i]gentleman's[/i] duel."[/color] He could barely control his rage as he continued,[color=red]"But..seeing as you are no [i]gentleman[/i], I'll just give you this."[/color] At [color=red]"this"[/color] Cedric had turned his blunderbuss with great speed and blew a powerful [b]SHOTGUNSHOT[/b] directly at his opponent's face.