[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gwfs2Bt.png[/img] [h2][color=C24641]Zachariah[/color][/h2] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img][/center] Still, there was no response to feed into Henry's banter. Instead he was met with the wave of blistering heat that radiated from the divine weapon of heaven before him. Being so close to Zachariah was like being next to a star, the air waving off his body with sweltering heat as it fried. The insane temperatures in excess of 3000 kelvin burned so intensely they tainted the atmosphere with a shining hue. Looking into them was like staring into a welders torch, or gazing at the edge of the emerging sun during an eclipse. Moisture was sapped from the air, quickly evaporating the last of the torrent into steam which dissipated in the fierce winds. Eventually the cascading rain pouring down over the molten landscape began to peter out, exhausted by the calamitous heat which purged the air of water. It still rained from the clouds far above, but each droplet was quickly disintegrated back into steam before it could reach the battle. Zachariah wielding the pike, continued to dart around as a heat seeking missile was hurtled in his direction at blinding speeds. It only took moments for the angel to realize the projectiles were tailing him. He passed a glance at the missile, matching its speed easily before focusing back on Henry. Fire spilled out in a small circular shock wave as the archangel suddenly changed direction, making a beeline for Henry, staring into the additional eye the demon had sprouted on the back of his head before leading the package right back to its sender. Light bled down the center of Zachariah's face as he split in halves, darting to either side of Henry to clear a path for the demon's own missile. Zachariah wielding the flurry of spears continued to pump out more fiery missiles of holy flame, overwhelming the lasers shooting up from the ornate gates Henry summoned. More and more spears rained down, exploding if they came close to the demon in massive spherical balls of expanding holy fire meant to disintegrate his corrupted demonic flesh. Thunderous waves of force billowed behind the angel with each massive launch of the lances, kicking back smoke and dust in a large series of rings behind his radiant wings. Zachariah wielding the saber parried with Henry, his blade faltering and flying out of the way as the demon push it away, spreading the angel's arms and prying apart his defense against the next move. The blindingly fast attack that followed was barely visible as it struck through the air at incomparable speeds, sinking into the fiery torso of the archangel, who looked down blankly into Henry's eyes unwavering. Instead of recoiling from the impact, the torso split apart, stretching open to fit the demon's weapon and then clamping down swiftly behind it in that same second once it passed harmlessly through the angel. Flames morphed out of Zachariah's body, reaching to take a hold of Henry. If they managed to get him, the fire would reach out over his body to consume the outer shell of his armor with arcane holy energy to boil him within like a pot of stew, or at least hold him in place for the attack from the other two Zachariahs, or rather other three after the one trailing the rocket split in half. [center][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/317e/f/2015/333/b/e/red_rose_divider___bottom_by_baronpluto-d9br00j.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]--- [@floodtalon] ---[/sub][/center]