[hider=Mike Henderson][center][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/19380103_306031243176825_5685093174280716288_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTU0MjgxNzIwMDEwMzEzODE4Nw%3D%3D.2[/img] [color=lightblue]“It's safer if you just leave me alone.”[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Michael Henderson [b]Aliases:[/b] Mike, "Mr. Hyde" [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Description:[/b] 5'6", black hair, medium build. When he transforms, however, his muscles grow and he grows fangs and claws. [b]Phobi-ablility:[/b] Gamophobia, Fear of commitment Can transform into a monstrous form, in which he has: -Strength: Can tear steel doors off of bank vaults and throw cars. -Durability: Can keep going even if he gets hit by a car going the speed limit, and while he isn't bullet proof, he can keep going even if shot several times. -Endurance: Can sprint for hours. -Speed: Can run up to 60 KPH -Senses: Can hear a heavy heartbeat from 100 meters away. Can see an individual ant from just as far away. Can smell a person's BO from a kilometer -Animal traits: When he transforms, he grows fangs and claws. -His eyes glow yellow, and let him see in low light conditions, like a cat or deer. -Regeneration: He can heal from bullet wounds in hours in any form. [b]Personality:[/b] Normally he's nice to those around him, and willing to help them out. He just doesn't want to get too close to others, because he'll inevitably let them down. When he transforms he is angry, and has to fight to keep himself from going on a brutal mass-murdering spree. He does, however, have all of his memories from his normal form, so he will still realize who people are, how he feels about them, and realize that he shouldn't hurt them. [b]Relations:[/b] None, as his parents wouldn't want him back, though he once had a serious Girlfriend, Sophia Lee. [b]Backstory:[/b] He wasn't the best son. Every time he tried to do something to please his parents, it wasn't enough, and every time he messed up, it was doubly his fault. Eventually he left home for college. His fourth year he met Sophia, and they fell for each other. Both of them were into computers, and they even started writing a game together. When she started pushing for him to propose, however, he couldn't do it. He knew he would let her down, so he ran. He was found by the P.H.O.B.I.A. program and went through whatever they had to do to him, hoping that it would help him get over his issues and knowing that she wouldn't find him there. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mjlM_RnsVE]"I'm a monster"[/url] "Won't commit, but should be committed." [/center] [/hider] [hider=Sophia Lee][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/57/ae/9a/57ae9a373318e844c4e5732f09e5acb8--cool-anime-girl-beautiful-anime-girl.jpg[/img] [color=lightblue]"Why is this happening? What did I do?"[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Sophia Lee [b]Aliases:[/b] Sophie, "That loner girl" [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Description:[/b] 5'8", black hair, medium build. Use of her power makes her glow. [b]Phobi-ablility:[/b] Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces Can Project circular barriers. -Personal field: Surrounds herself in a bubble to protect herself and keep things out. Can change the size to include others, but the air is trapped as well, so it may be hard to breathe. -Trap field: Keeps a target in. Can also change its size. -Projectiles: spherical balls of various sizes that she can control the movement of. May be exploded by expanding them faster than she can control. Have to be created in her palms, and can move whatever is inside it. [b]Personality:[/b] Once a cheerful, almost bubbly person he always wanted to discover things, she is now unable to move past her emotional turmoil and spends her time brooding and sometimes crying. [b]Relations:[/b] None, though she once had a serious Boyfriend, Mike Henderson [b]Backstory:[/b] She grew up an only child of well off parents, always getting what she wanted, except for their love. She tried to do things to make them proud of her, but work or their hobbies took precedent. In high school she was the Valedictorian, but that didn't impress them, so she learned computer coding on her own and applied for an internship with a prominent business software company. One day, on her way to the floor she worked on, the elevator stopped working and she was stuck in the elevator with ten other people for two hours. While her outgoing personality meant that the shear number of people wasn't a problem, the fact that they barely had any room to move got to her. After that point she stopped using elevators. In fact, any small enclosed space was avoided. Because her parents had money they were able to pay for her to go to business school and live in a roomy apartment, but she was certain that it was just for their public image. When she was a junior she met Mike, but when things got serious, she told him she wanted to get married and he disappeared. Certain that she was the reason he left, the reason no one loved her, she shut herself off and stopped going to class. When her failing grades caused her parents to pull her out, she knew she couldn't go home, so she signed up for some experimental program where she could find other people who might actually want to deal with her. She is now ready to meet the others, doctor's orders, having cut herself off from them during her initial training and stay at the facility. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt1Pwfnh5pc]"I don't want "cheering up"."[/url] "Why would someone afraid of enclosed spaces close herself off?" [/center] [/hider]