[@Stern Algorithm] "Thank you, Michel. I suppose I should introduce myself as well. My name is Lydia Evangeline. Nice to meet you." She took the seat across him, straightening her skirt before she sat. And just as she did, Michel's orders came. She was quite surprised by the size of the portion. She wondered if he could really finish them all. And then, Michel offered her to join in. She already ordered her own steak, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt to try it out a little. She took another pair of chopsticks and began digging in. Or, to be more accurate, trying to dig in, as she was extremely clumsy with the thing. The fish she was supposed to bring into her mouth kept falling over and over again. This was why she chose to have a steak. She was never good with Eastern dishes like this. After trying for some more, in the end, she gave up in eating, and instead stared at the boy in front of her instead. She immediately found him fascinating, as he seemed to be just the perfect model for youthful eagerness. Her instinct immediately told her to take a photo of him, but of course, she couldn't do that without his permission. "Excuse me, Michel, but would you give me permission to take your photo?" she asked him, still with her usual blank face. Her airheadedness made her not realize what an odd question that was. [@Stern Algorithm]