Alright, Vader is finally finished. I await his Protagonist (Antagonist?) Points and threat rating. [center][hider=Darth Vader] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Real Name:[/b] Anakin Skywalker [b]Age:[/b] 37 Years [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Origin:[/b] [i]Star Wars[/i] Canon [b]Objectives:[/b] As the Emperor’s brutal enforcer, Lord Vader attends to every command that his master orders. He is to lead the invasion of the Array and oversee the gathering and mining operations on the planet, as well as strike down any opponents that deems a threat to the Empire. [b]Temperament:[/b] Vader is definitely someone that you shouldn’t piss off on his bad days. He is ruthless, virtually devoid of mercy, and is known to occasionally kill his own officers for their failures. The Dark Lord also had absolutely no qualms about using torture to accomplish his goals and is also known to manipulate others for his own doings or on behalf of the Emperor. Considered to be the Empire's first terror weapon and noted to employ antiquated diction, he is tenacious and looks seemingly unstoppable, making most Imperial naval officers uncomfortable. Contrary to the rocky relationships he had with most Imperial officers, his rapport towards stormtroopers mirrors in many ways his former persona's relationship to the Republic's clone troopers when he was a jedi. Part of his reputation was that he will normally be quiet (and thus his presence made for a good implied threat to others), whereas shows of passivity were not. Indeed, it is well-known that he usually prefers to oversee operations personally, using action to block out any intruding feelings. He is also frequently at odds with those who lacks faith in the Force, finding it "disturbing" or even blasphemous. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Vader generally holds undying loyalty to his master, Darth Sidious (however it is slowly beginning to decline slightly after learning about the pilot who blew up the Death Star was actually his son, Luke, and how Sidious half-truthed him). He also devotes himself fully to furthering the development of his relationship to the Force, and the expansion of his power, being both due to what Palpatine taught him about the relationship between Sith master and apprentice and to his own personal tendencies. [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Evil [b]Background:[/b] Shortly after the events of [i]Marvel’s[/i] [u]Star Wars: Darth Vader[/u] comics, Vader finally takes back control of the entire Imperial fleet, including his personal fleet Death Squadron and the Super Star Destroyer th e[i] Executor[/i], from Grand General Cassio Tagge, after being punished by Palpatine for his failure in defending the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Now back in the Emperor’s good graces, both sith lords continued in their attempt to crush the Rebel Alliance and to secure peace through the galaxy. However, while they were attempting to make a hyperspace jump to the planet Fondor to check up on the major Imperial shipyards of that area, alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn and General Veers, a freak anomaly caused the Executor and five other escorting star destroyers to jump into a completely new and unknown location. For several days the fleet tried to figure out where they were in the galaxy and attempted to contact any nearby Imperial Forces, but alas they were unsuccessful. After one week in unknown space, the fleet arrived at the Array, and immediately they began planning on their next course of action. The plan set forth was to invade the planet and gather up as many resources to refuel and resupply the Imperial Navy and find a way to get back to friendly lines. Vader is in charge of overseeing the ground operations personally alongside General Veers, while Emperor Palpatine and Admiral Thrawn stay onboard the star destroyers to eliminate any hostile forces that attempt to jeopardize their efforts. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Superior Swordsmanship:[/b] Darth Vader has a natural talent when it comes to wielding sword-based weapons, especially when in the possession of his crimson lightsaber. While his cybernetic enhancements and armor has somewhat limited his mobility compared to when he was a jedi, his dueling style became visually more direct than it had been and his power is much stronger. [*] [b]Expert Pilot:[/b] As Skywalker, he was already an incredibly skilled pilot, showing an amazing ability that few were able to surpass. Even after becoming Vader, he remained an exceptionally skilled pilot, as shown when he single-handedly almost destroyed Phoenix Squadron in a lone TIE Advanced x1, easily out-flying their entire fleet and forcing their command to abandon ship, and when he almost obliterated several Alliance squadrons during the Battle of Vrogas Vas. Despite this, he would otherwise be shot down on a regular basis during his combat piloting career. [*] [b]Mechanic:[/b] While rarely used, Vader is certainly capable at repairing technology, mostly due to the fact that he built and created various technology when he was a mere boy. [/list] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]The Force:[/b] Vader was already incredibly skilled with the force during his time as jedi Anakin Skywalker. Yet after his cybernetic reconstruction, Vader's connection to the Force strengthened considerably, to the point where his master Sidious once complimented his powers as being "unparallelled". Though his injuries had crippled his physical body, Vader believed that the suffering that he had experienced had both perfected his spirit and freed him from the needs of the flesh, allowing him to concentrate solely on his relationship to the Force. He is extremely well versed in telekinesis, being powerful enough to take down starships and throw items at opponents while engaging in lightsaber conflicts, as well in other force abilities such as force push/pull, force barrier, force crush, force jump, force deflect, force speed, and his infamous force choke. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Lightsaber:[/b] Darth Vader’s lightsaber is his primary weapon against jedi and other opponents. While he usually uses the force to dispatch lesser victims, he is never afraid to wield in times where it deems necessary. [/list] [b]Protagonist Points:[/b] TBD By GM [b]Threat Rating:[/b] TBD By GM [/hider][/center]