[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [@Roseletta][/center] "[color=ed1c24]My body takes well to magic perfectly fine. It's not like I have an immunity to it or something like that. That would make me way too powerful, though it would be nice in some scenarios[/color]." Joshua said, clearly amused by the thought. He listened to the conversation that passed between Cecilia and Amaya. Most of the story he knew about, but when Amaya brought up a side effect of her magic, his eyes narrowed and his expression grew serious as he looked at her. "[color=ed1c24]What kind of side effects? Are they deadly? What will they do to you[/color]?" He wasn't sure why he was suddenly concerned, but what he did know was that if there were side effects of her magic, she should either avoid using it to avoid having them occur or they would have to do some research the find out how they could counter said effects. Given that she seemed to be in perfect health right now though, he guessed that, for the moment, things were okay. But he decided he should keep an eye on her.