[@vietmyke] Alright, so, we got some magic-y stuff and what not in here so gravitating more and more towards Shadowrun proper. I suppose my question would be are there going to be metatypes? I throw my hat in the not ring. Honestly, I love Shadowrun but I found all of the fantasy elements to be the least interesting and weakest part of the game (Magic, fantasy races, dragons etc) Call me old fashioned but I like my cyberpunk to be about the horrors of technology and the collapse of the nation-state. I get that the metatypes are an extension of racial tensions but I don't think you really need that in Hong Kong, they have plenty of that already between Hong Kong natives, Chinese, Taiwanese, and immigrants from all over without adding elves and dwarves. If they are there, okay, I'm cool with that too, just wanted to throw out the idea right at the start. Now! Cool stuff! Character idea: Thinking about using an ex-Army HUMINT (Either American, German, or UK National who has immigrated) so I'll have some good ole fashioned shootin' people skills but with a great focus on talking with locals, gathering information, and threat assessment given that he/she was HUMINT and not infantry MOS. Got out after their contract and ended up going to Hong Kong for a new life, failed miserably and ended up signing on with the security company due to the only experience they have is in this line of work. So, do what you know and hope for the best. Probably will have some sensory mods like eyes and ears along with some handy-dandy lingusoft for that dirty glorious brain computer.