[center][h2]Jericho Joranis|Flight of the Valkyries[/h2][/center] Jericho's ship didn't sprout lights from it's front like the Kodiaks. Instead, several canister shaped drones took up positions all around the outer ring and lit up with high powered spot lights, penetrating even the protective tinting of the helmets, at least for a few minutes. However, eventually it returned to only those without helmets being blind and Jericho continued firing for the full 17 hours that combat persisted. Part way through, he had to perform a sudden barrel roll as a rocket zoomed through the air where his ship had been a moment before, but he was fairly certain it had been a misfire from below, since no others followed. Landing as the enemy force finally retreated, Jericho disembarked and immediately went out to the forest's edge, pistols drawn, and went in to search around until he found what he was looking for and delivered a blow to the alien's head, stunning it long enough to slap the stun cuffs on it and heave it up. "Welcome to being a prisoner of war, jack ass." Pushing the alien in front of him, he radioed Ryder and Avitus. {Bringing one of them in. I managed to wing him during combat and I guess his buddies thought he'd died. Well, I think it's a he.}