Immortality is no longer a dream, instead, a reality. Nobody knows how it happened, or even why it happened but people were starting to be born immortal. They grew a certain age, then stopped. Soon enough, everyone human being were immortal. After that, things went on as normal. People still died, of course but most people stay living for hundreds of years now. It has changed human kind massively, but now, a strange young girl has been seen all over the world, people have been hearing the same phrase again and again. 'You are not The One' Now, the biggest question in human kind. Who is, 'The One'? Who could this ghostly girl be looking for? There is no answer, but soon enough, one will surely come. So, everyone is immortal. You can stop ageing at any time of your life. We will be developing powers later in the game, and there will be a big bad boss. The whole plot for the Rp evolves around the ghostly girl, and whoever is 'The One.' Your characters can be anything, do anything. Go to school, work, be a doctor, investigator, have you seen the ghostly girl? Etc. Things will start to change as we get further into the Rp. [quote]Hello! My name is Pea. Nice to meet you! Do you want to come with me? Where to? My world of course! Come on! Come with me! Come with Pea! You will meet lots of friends there, I promise! Please, I need your help! Come with me, to Pea's world![/quote] [quote]People say, fate is a cruel, cruel thing but they haven't seen nothing yet. People tend not to believe in impossible feats, but that will all change. When all of Pea's World belongs to I, everyone will feel the wrath of a thousand sins. This is fate, there is no changing it. No matter what happens, no matter who she brings. I shall win, nobody can stop me now! [/quote] Now, in this 'other world' you have a soul mate. In this, a soul mate is your other self from the magic world. Your soul mate can quite literally be anything as long as they are connected to you in some way in their personality, you do not need a soul mate if you don't want one. Any interest here?