Kaila cleaned the mirror with a sense of pride. She bought this with her own money and it was beautiful!! Grinning from ear to ear she finished cleaning and left to put away the cleaning marital. During her time away the mirror rippled and flashed, showing an upward angle of a twilight sky and a large humanoid-creature standing above it looking downwards. By the time the short haired girl returned to her room, the mirror had returned to normal. Humming to herself she folded her laundry and put it away before going back to the mirror. Checking her reflection she gave herself a little nod before turning to face her bed, that was until she tripped… over nothing. Yes that’s right, the poor girl tripped over nothing and fell towards her mirror. Well a quick re-clean never hurt. Until she watched her hand disappear into the glass like she had dipped her hand into water. “What the…” Before she could finish her sentence or shout for help, her entire body fell into the liquid mirror. The world around her shifted, she felt like she floating in water but, she could breathe. Around her was glimmering obs of light which danced away from her when she reached out to touch them. She was so in aw that she forgot she was in danger, that was until she noticed she was falling towards a black pit of an exit. Panic filled her as she attempted to move away from the pit but she was launched through it with a large amount of force. The black liquid felt like water and covered her entire body before she was thrown from the water and sent flying through the air. Her scream echoed throughout the forest and all she saw was she was going to impact someone and… sure enough she did. Splat. The young girl landed on him with a thud before rolling off of him and staring upwards. Her body hurt, her head was spinning and she was staring up at the sky. “What… happened…?”