[center] [h3][color=lightblue] Caesar Mhmm... Seafood...[/color] [/h3][/center] [hr] Caesar frowned at the redirection of his Electro attack and the skillful block of Cedric's shot. At least Dirk managed to hurt one. Caesar laughed at the broken bottle, how teeth glistening in the light. [Color=lightblue]"You shouldn't have done that..."[/color] he said as he laughed. With a sudden movement, Caesar sent another Electro blast at Green, which was deflected again. Yellow swung their ball and chain towards Caesar in retaliation, but the swing was off thanks to the injuries sustained from Dirk. It was still on a collision course, but with a little movement Caesar was able to avoid the attack. The chain still grazed his shoulder, but not before Caesar activated his Electro shielding just long enough to send it down the chain at Yellow. All of this happened within seconds of his Electro blast at Green, and Caesar rushed forward towards Green to close the gap. With any luck, he'd be too close for Green to effectively use that Trident, and maybe Yellow would even need to take more time to react with that Electro charge. If he could get in close, Caesar would pounce at Green to take a chunk out of his neck with his teeth, swinging his machete with Electro imbued along it on the approached once he was within cutting range to help distract Green from his real attack.