[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Jenna Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/cc2994ca444477fdc5239520e15a5143/tumblr_inline_mrsx684Nmc1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=0099ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Red Lake Sheriff's Department [/center][hr][hr] Jenna thought back on it, but hardly anything stuck out to her. Riley had been going to the lake more than usual, but it didn't feel extremely relevant to her. It wasn't something that she'd describe as weird--but it was a change in habit. [color=#0099ff]"She started going to the lake a lot that week,"[/color] Jenna said simply. She was direct and to the point in her speech. Hearing her name, Jenna glanced over towards Sheriff Bradley. She hadn't spotted her father yet, so there was only one Westbrook at the station, meaning there was no one to be confused with. He was likely off working one case or another. Taking the slip of paper, Jenna programed it into her phone under [i]Son of Gandalf.[/i] Only someone who remembered Gandalf as Gandalf the Grey would've been able to understand the slight pun. She nodded at Jeanna the way most teenagers do, as Jenna had a slight case of resting bitch face. [color=#0099ff]"Yeah. Will do,"[/color] Jenna reassured her, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. [color=#0099ff]"Good luck finding the body."[/color] It may have seemed cold to those who didn't know Jenna, but she was practical. Each hour that went by, the odds that they would find Riley alive went down. And combined with the mayor's corpse and the threatening message, Riley likely was dead. She had known Riley since she was little. They were friends. But Riley had gone missing the night of June 28th. Investigators usually referenced seventy two hours--a child missing longer than that was likely dead. It had been more than twice that amount of time. Jenna had already done her mourning for Riley. She had cried her tears. [color=#0099ff]"Bye,"[/color] Jenna added before heading out of the station. Taking a brief look at her phone, Jenna saw it was almost one. She'd need to wait at least seven hours before she tried to seek out Riley's ghost in the woods without any questioning glances. But being the nosy person she was, Jenna wasn't about to stop with her investigation here. Everyone would be looking at the grisly crime scene at city hall. Jenna, however, was headed for the mayor's office. With any luck, it'd be unlocked and she could take a look around, see if she could find any evidence as to why someone would want to kill Mayor Ryder.