Training. The very idea made Ghent ache all over. After a morning filled with running and chaos, Ghent wasn't up for combat. Not then, and perhaps not for a few days afterward. Due to getting little to no sleep, he hadn't any energy to spare, and he suspected a training session with the knight was no walk in the park. Although fatigued, Ghent didn’t dare shoot down the idea. Tensions were at a continual high. The smallest complaint could trigger Drust into lashing out at him or Elayra. From where Ghent so silently stood, he couldn’t help but stare at the black webbed markings around Drust’s eyes. The pulsing, coupled with the twitching in his neck, sent up red flags. Ghent was sure he wasn't envisioning it, Drust looked worse than before. Elayra’s unspoken warning reminded Ghent of his staring. As casually as he could, which ended up not looking casual at all, he took a big step back. "I doubt my opinion matters, but I'm all for winging it." By agreeing with Drust, Ghent hoped to smooth things over enough so the knight wouldn’t snap. "Or...making do, as you put it." Elayra wasn’t through commenting. After she'd retrieved her sword, she continued to push for an answer to find out what their new plan was. Ghent inwardly groaned and ran a hand over his face, wondering if perhaps it would have been better if she [i]hadn't [/i]made it through the portal. At the last remark, his eyes snapped open. "[i]Train him up?[/i]" Ghent quoted the girl underneath his breath, folding his across his chest to show his displeasure with her saying so. The continuous mention of his needing to train bothered him. He knew that his skills left something to be desired, but did Elayra feel the need to point it out every few minutes? When Drust said no, Ghent nearly flashed a triumphant smirk towards Elayra. Unfortunately, the knight thought better of his answer and changed it, which lead Ghent to wonder if he really[i] did[/i] have to train that day. Switching his pack to his arm to give his back a break, Ghent refrained from asking for clarification and followed Drust. During their walk, he observed their surroundings, taking in the sight of the greenery and hills. Aside from the park, the city didn't have much of anything green. If not for being warned about the dangers of Wonderland, Ghent would have thought this a charming place. "Since we're on the topic of you-know-who…" Ghent hung a few steps behind them, reluctant to mention what he'd heard. Their opinion of him was low enough without him making himself sound delusional. "I think I heard her in the portal…well, I heard a few people – but I think she was one of them.” Ghent watched them uneasily, unsure if this was information better kept to himself. "…You heard them too, right?"