[quote=@Lurking Shadow] If I could, I would stay in the room and try to dig underground and establish an elaborate complex and spend time fortifying it with traps and the like and craft various crude weapons. After a hundred years or so I would douse the complex and the room in some kind of combustable substance and Lure as many of the Headcrabs as I can towards me as I retreat further and further within. I would also set up a timer at the entrance that would create a small fire once the timer counts down from say an hour or so and will ignite the 'paradise' into an inferno. Knowing they await outside this 'paradise' would not provide comfort to me even with the knowledge they could not get to me (I imagine because of a locked door or something?). It would be a tortuous life as I would live like a caged animal unable to be free and I would rather die than live like that. They indirectly controlled my movements as I dare not to leave but dead, I am truly free. Normally though, I do avoid physical contact with others when I can. So I would stay in that room even without headcrabs. [/quote] What if you were presented between just those two choices? And remember, it's not so much of a room as it is a mansion.