[hr][hr] [center][h2][color=darkred]Alexandria "Staten Island" Robins[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [indent][color=9e0b0f]“She’s just temperamental Larcen, the engine should cool off in a second and she’ll be flying like a dream. Always has. If not I can always open the hood’s vents an-- Damn it Ken!”[/color][/indent] Alex gritted her teeth as the EMP wave fried all the nanobots on her slightly crippled aircraft. Gunfire resonated through the air as Larcen got pounded by yet another Jersey Devil and Alex swore under her breath. That damn Scanner was getting on her nerves. If that’s how they trained pilots at the so called “academy”, she wasn’t sure that’s graduates should even be allowed to fly. So far all Ken had done was stir the pot and put his own life on the line for little, if any gain. [quote=Larcen] [i]Ummmm little help?! Alex? Hajar? Can you shake him off?![/i] [/quote] [indent][color=9e0b0f]“Ken, Hajar, I need to you both to keep that fucker off Larcen’s tail, I’m gonna go save the German’s ass. Funny how the arrogant one is always the one who holds everyone back.”[/color][/indent] Alex whipped the Harlot around the buildings with wickedly tight turns, trying to get back on Hannah’s tail to take out the jets pursuing her. The spitfire’s engine roared and bordered on overheating, but remained under control for the moment. The blonde made a mental note to open the hood vents once she had made contact with the Devil’s ahead of her. With a practiced hand, Alex flew overtop of a high-level sky scraper and pulled the Harlot into a tight inside loop overtop, coming down onto the pair of JD jets from above. With a wicked grin, Alex gave them everything she had. In a flurry of combat, four dumbfire missiles were launched from the Harlot’s wings aimed ahead of the jets before she rolled in behind them and lit the pair up with machine gun fire. Alex quickly hit the hood vent switch and let off the excess heat inside of the supercharged Rolls Royce engine before re-engaging with her machine guns. [indent][color=9e0b0f]“I’m sending these devils back to hell.”[/color][/indent]