[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/2XZE5MRNJcclG/giphy.gif[/img] [color=1a7b30][b][h2]Winn Valentine[/h2][/b][/color][hr][color=1a7b30][b]Location:[/b] Cabin Five, Dionysus' Cabin [b]Interacting with:[/b] No one.[/color][/center][hr] The warm sunlight filtered lazily through the stained glass window of the Dionysus' cabin loft, softly illuminating the floating specks of dust as they wound their swirling paths through the air. Each speck twisted intricately around the others, heading on a collision course for another piece of dust before swooping elegantly out of the way, narrowly avoiding the demise of two noble specks of dust. The warm sunlight slowly crept down the wall, illuminating the room inch by inch. As the sun rose, the beams slanted more and more downwards, eventually casting their warm embrace upon the bare skin of a drunken demigod. As the illumination shined directly onto his eyes, the boy let out a groan, rolling over as he threw an arm over his eyes, blocking out the sunlight. The faint remnants of a headache persisted from the night before, hinting that he should have been hungover. A long sigh issued forth from his lips as Winn realized he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. If the sun was already shining on his bed, it meant it was at least past ten in the morning. The camp was no doubt buzzing with activity, from first-years cautiously avoiding the Ares' kids sparring matches to Nymphs and Satyrs dancing around the edges of the woods to the older demigods scaling the fierce heights of the obstacle tower. How was he possibly going to waste time sleeping when there was so much to be done? With a groan and a hiccup, Winn bolted upright, looking wildly around the Dionysus' cabin in a fervor. The entire building was empty, as far as he could tell, but that didn't mean much; when one goes to bed at 7:30 in the morning after a wild night of partying and questionable activities and wakes up less than three hours later, they tend to have quite unreliable senses. A large yawn escaped Winn's mouth before a shiver ran down his spine, reminding him that he wasn't covered by anything except for his underwear. The Dionysus' cabin always remained a cool, relaxing temperature, magically sustained through the entire year. Come rain, snow, or shine, the inside of his father's cabin was always the correct temperature. Assuming, of course, that one was wearing clothes. Rolling out of his queen sized cot, Winn kicked the fluffy blankets off of his leg and stretched, soaking in the warmth of the golden rays peering in through the skylight. The cabin's interior was an odd mix between a tranquil setting and a frat house, mixing the quiet environment of soft, light woods and winding grapevines with the flaming illumination of orange flames contained in glass orbs. The cabin's greenery was capable of magically retracting to make more space in case of an impromptu party. Winn snatched the clothes he had been wearing the day before and tossed them into a laundry hamper, grabbing a long sleeved dark green shirt out of dresser by his bed as he passed it. His bare feet made small slapping sounds as he walked down the stairs from the loft, pulling his shirt over his head as he descended. As he made his way towards the open kitchen in the cabin, Winn pulled at his sleeves, rolling them up to his elbows before rubbing his eyes sleepily. While most other campers would have gone for some coffee, or even caffeinated soda, Winn opened then fridge and extracted multiple bottles of alcohol, placing them on the wooden counter top as he went. Once he had pulled various liquors and carbonated bases out of the refrigerator, the groggy demigod pulled a shaker from its place in the overhead cabinets, wincing slightly as the cabinet door closed with a loud crack. Even with his enhanced immune system and high liquor tolerance, he had only had a few hours to sober up from the massive amounts of wine and vodka he had consumed the previous night. By legal standards, Winn was drunk off his ass, but he had learned how to function semi-normally while under the influence, but that didn't stop a hangover's migraine from causing hell. With half opened eyes, Winn found his way around the bottles, quickly mixing up an amber cocktail in the shaker, pouring it into a rather large wine glass he had pulled from the overhead storage racks. The golden liquor gurgling satisfyingly when it sluiced into the glass, making a small whirlpool as it filled the chalice. Swishing the liquid around in the whine glass in one hand, Winn briefly considered drinking only one glass to wake him up. Alcohol to him was like a shot of pure adrenaline to others, invigorating his systems and bringing his brain to life. But just one glass wasn't gonna cut it. [color=1a7b30]"Fuck it."[/color] Winn murmured, throwing his head back and tilting the glass's contents into his mouth, not putting it back down until it was empty. The burning sensation of powerful alcohol tingled Winn's mouth and throat, causing him to hold a fist to his mouth and cough. No matter how much Winn drank, vodka was still vodka, and it would always remain the alcoholic equivalent of a kick in the balls. With his mind now alive, the demigod grabbed a particularly old Grecian wine, which happened to be from the times of the Trojan war. After he had finished uncorking it and inhaling the wine's marvelous scent, he poured the solution into a large thermos, filling the container to the brim. After returning what remained of the different ingredients to their usual places, Winn grabbed the thermos and moved through the cabin, winding up sprawled out on one of the many couches, staring up at the skylights as he took sips of the ancient wine. [color=1a7b30]"Ten minutes,"[/color] Winn told himself, taking another swig of alcohol as he realized his next statement was an absolute lie. [color=1a7b30]"Ten more minutes, then I'll find some pants."[/color]