[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] In spite of the vow that she had made, Alicia was finding it very difficult to hold on to patience at the moment after everything that had happened. The rising tension over the past days, the fight, Penny getting injured and Thalia running off wit her, it did not put her in the best of moods to say the least. So she was not overly inclined to be considerate to the duo confronting her right now. "My, how quickly we're at the threat of violence, in spite of you supposedly having the moral high ground if the way you're talking right now is any indication," Alicia replied with her fingers drumming at her hip as she glared at Julia. "Not that I'd expect even the slightest effort at understanding since you clearly don't have a clue what you were walking into besides trying to prove that you were some big shot powerhouse." After a moment she decided that it wasn't worth it, and took a step forwards. "Well, I'm leaving. It was nice meeting you Scout. I'm Alicia, I hope we'll see each other again in the future," she said back to their unexpected ally with a genuine smile, before her focus returned to Julia. "Feel free to try and stop me so you can have your ego trip. I'm sure the group of Beckoners across the street will have something to say about that." Without waiting to see if Julia would call her bluff (If it was indeed a bluff and not just fact. They were near Beacon territory after all), Alicia began walking away. Perhaps she would pay for this later, but in the moment she just didn't care. [@Majoras End][@ShyDot][@Hammerman]