[color=gold][center][h2]Takeshi Kawano [/h2][/center][/color] It was still dark when Takeshi woke up. His eyes blinked in confusion and his first instinct was to go back to sleep. But when he checked the time, it turned out that he was already late. He thought about skipping class again and staying in his bed, which was warmed by his own body temperature. He reached for his phone and instantly felt a chill that made him retreat back into the blankets as soon as he got it. If it wasn't for the conversation he had with his mother last night, he would've simply slept the day away. But the hurt expression she gave him when she found out that he was ditching classes was too much, even for him. So he found himself leaving the comfort zone of his bed and bracing himself for the cold as he got ready to leave. To be honest, he liked going to school late almost as much as not going at all. Tokyo was usually a bustling place in general, but after the school and work rush, it wasn't as bad. He hopped onto the subway and put in his ear buds that weren't connected to any music but were there to block out some of the outside noise. His school was only one stop away which made for a quick ride; the main reason he chose it. Since he was late anyways, he stopped by a bakery on the way over to school and ordered curry puff. The cashier raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously, as if to say, [i]"Why are you not at school yet? Are you a delinquent?"[/i] Takeshi shrugged and paid for his food. The bandages on his face definitely him look like a delinquent, which he was. People always seemed to blame it on the fact that he never had a dad or because his mom was always out working late. Stuff like that pissed him off though. He couldn't have a stupid father complex if he doesn't have a father. Or so he thinks anyway. By the time he reached the high school, the courtyard was mostly empty. There were a few students who were running toward the building and another few who were just like him. As he was walking in the courtyard, something caught his eye. It was something black, sticking out on the white snow. He walked over to it and picked up the thin, leather bound notebook. "Death...Note..." Takeshi read out loud. His English wasn't the best but it was enough to understand what the characters meant. He was about to just drop the book right there and then. Some emo kid with tacky taste probably just dropped his notebook or something. But instead, he decided to open it and see if there was a name inside. If so, he knew who to tease about this notebook. However, in the inside cover, there were only a set of rules of how to use the notebook or something. He couldn't quite make it all out. There was something about a Death Pen though... He decided to stuff the notebook into his bag and deal with it later. Maybe one of his buddies would make better sense of it than he did. Actually, he was the only one of his friends who still attended school... so maybe that wasn't the best idea. There was one thing that he could do though. He needed to find whoever had the matching Pen.