Melissa laughed at the threat as Lucia stomped off. [color=ec008c]"What kind of a name is braman? Sounds like a pervert"[/color] she shrugged, having lost interest in the other girl as she focused on Yuki. [color=ec008c]"Ah, I see. I get carried away with music so I know what you mean. You sound like a drummer to me, hitting things. Might help your control too if you're worried as drums are not all about hitting hard"[/color] Melissa nodded knowingly, although she tilted her head at Yukis claim. [color=ec008c]"Musicians don't really have a wage. Its all sales based. Although if your looking for close enough comparisons, my dads current tour is likely to grant him a seven figure payout if you know what I mean"[/color] she winked [color=ec008c]"and I'm sure I'll get a nice allowance from it as well. Can't wait to be earning on my own though. I want to be independent! What kinda job you looking for?"[/color] [@Polaris North]