[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/28577c336232aad3fb697adc8afb5c1a/tumblr_inline_miycemBe1B1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: the Museum [/center][hr][hr] Nora recognized the two individuals in Lady Munn's office: her friend Lauren and the vulgar Mr. Drake. She hadn't seen Mr. Drake since she walked home the previous night, the man running off in pursuit of his latest conquest. Her first impression of him had been the pain he caused Lady Munn as well the previous evening. She couldn't fathom why Lady Munn would keep such an uncouth man around, but before she could explain to Neema who the two people were, she heard Lady Munn from behind, addressing her by her courtesy title. [color=#00ccff]"It is no cause to fret, Lady Munn,"[/color] Nora reassured her once Lady Munn began an apology. Her mind caught up with Lady Munn's gaze a second later, before Lady Munn proceeded to scold Mr. Drake for his behavior. It was so like Americans to do such disgraceful things like that...Nora would not be surprised if Fannie did the same. She couldn't understand what her brother saw in the woman--she was wild and loud and boisterous, as all Americans undoubtedly are. Nora studied Lady Munn's face. There were clear signs that she had been crying, long before she had spotted Mr. Drake with his feet on the desk. His shoes resting on the papers was bad form--but when Nora saw Lady Munn retrieve a picture frame from underneath the papers, her heart sank. Judging from Vera's reaction, it had been damaged. It was no doubt a sentimental picture, otherwise it would not have been kept at her work station. And now, through his carelessness, Mr. Drake had damaged it. She wasn't quite sure if she could say anything to comfort Lady Munn. Even as Mr. Drake apologized and left the office, Nora doubted that would bring Lady Munn any solace.