Hayden stiffened as the soldiers entered. Could his father have already known where he was going? Their actions proved two things. These were you're everyday soldiers, and that man held the key to his freedom. Hayden's tail flicked softly behind him as he watched in horror as the men were slaughtered, clenching his fists. He knew better than to get involved, they were no doubt more of these men... Then that... Creature entered the scene. Hayden was convinced at that point that the only thing he had yet left to see today was an actual god because this was borderline insanity or the inexperienced otter. His eyes flicked rapidly across the room as he leaned over to Yeva and whispered to her softly. "What is even going on right now... I know that's the Shard... but what exactly just happened here... As much as I hate to leave the crystal behind could we just.. get out and trail him, or do we go on the attack?" He slowly reached for his shield, feeling his enchantments flicker which filled him with some comfort. Keeping his eyes on the Pirate and the creature he was ready for pretty much anything that came his way.