[@FalkiThomas] [img]https://images.cooltext.com/5007992.png[/img] Roxy looked around. She wasn't ready to mingle with the students yet. Mostly because she wanted to watch them. They would be more relaxed in study hall then they would be in her class. She was sure that she would get to know them better here than in her class. Which would give her a chance to get a solid feel for them. She saw one of the other teachers. A male with an unusual name. Something that started with a T she thought. She figured she might as well start getting to know the other teachers. She met this guy once or twice since starting but they hadn't really interacted yet. So now seemed like as good of a time as any for her to get to know him. The teachers were just as dangerous as the students, if not more so. Just because they graduated from the reform school didn't mean they were actually reformed. She made her way over to him.[color=blue]"What do you teach again?"[/color]