[color=ed1c24][b]Ace Makovich - Diner - Nightfall[/b][/color] Ace stepped inside the diner with Rick following close behind. Rick took a seat at one of the booths and Ace made his way behind the counter. He instructed Betty serve Rick. He grabbed a paper and headed back outside. He sat on the ground in front of the diner, took out a cigarette and lit as he perused the paper. The sun was going down, and soon it'd be dark. There wasn't much in it aside from the going on of the settlements. Nothing out of the ordinary, or at least nothing he cared about. As he sat on the ground, Lorelei walked in, not even looking acknowledging him. Ace just shrugged is shoulders, and took on last long drag from his cigarette. He slowly let out the smoke and headed inside.Betty walked over to Lorelei, whom proceeded to order, sort of. She mumbled her order, “Mutfruit milkshake, please…and if you could sprinkle some rum onto that sucker, I’ll love you for all eternity" Ace motioned to Bety that he'd assist her, and she was more than happy to oblige. "Well now, don't be making promises you can't keep. How bout you love me for half an eternity, after all, I may get tired of you." Ace replied with a smirk on his face as he walked over to the coffee maker and poured a cup. He placed it in front of Lorelei, "Here, looks like you need a pick me up." Ace gathered the ingredients for the shake and began preparing a her a shake. He hummed to the music and laced the finish product in front of Lorelei. He put a double shot of rum in it, and then placed another shot next to it. "Don't forget your promise now, you hear," Ace winked at her. as he took a seat behind the ciunter, next to the radio.