Now was the optimal time to strike. The dracon merchant had made the mistake of stopping right under the talon pass. He turned his back to his cargo to admire the twin peaks, and Qorq made his move. "Freeze, trespasser," he commanded, and the merchant turned to find a row of kobolds had effectively surrounded him. He pulled out his sword, but something poked him in the back, stopping him mid-draw. He turned to find another row of spears, much closer than he was accustomed to. "Who are you? What do you want?" the merchant croaked. "Commander Qorq of the Rughid Empire, at your service," Qorq drawled. He drew his own sword and cut the sheets covering the back of the merchant's wagon. "You are now standing on land belonging to the Emperor Rughoi 'the Unbound'. You have brought imports into his soil, and must now pay your dues." He pulled out a box of silks and tossed it to waiting claws. "I know no empire. I've checked the map thoroughly, brigand. You can't fool me," the merchant snapped, but quickly silenced when a spear was poked again into his back. "Your map may be a bit out of date," Qorq drawled. "Fortunately, the tax isn't steep. After all, you will have to pay another one to cross the emperor's river. Enjoy your stay." With that, he and his soldiers faded into the mountains, quick as they came. ____________________________________________ The treasury was looking better than ever. Ardasa didn't like the methods Kutur had drawn up, but even she agreed that the alternatives meant the city would be built slower. Already, the Xigyll River Valley was one of the largest importers of wood and stone in the region, and new houses are raised from nothing in a matter of days. The peacetime, too, attracted countless reluctant kobolds to leave the dracon cities. If that meant that foreign merchants had to leave a little sore, then so be it. "Empress Ardasa just doesn't have the same ring to it," Ardasa giggled, uncurling herself from beside the fire and joining her mated on the balcony. Rughoi had been quite proud of this balcony. He worked nonstop for months on it himself. "What about Your Mercy?" Rughoi answered, wrapping an arm around her. "That I like," she sighed, leaning into him. "Look at us. The young emperor and empress, here to lead the kobold people into a new age of happiness and prosperity. That I like even better."