Junebug cursed herself for a fool as the rebels emerged from the woods behind her. In her mind she had assumed it had been their target who had camouflaged the car, but even if that were true there was no reason for her to assume that others might not be watching it. Briefly she considered shooting it out, using the car as cover, but that was a losing battle against so many, even if they were as incompetent as she suspected they were the odds of one of them putting her down by accident were high. You could win against the odds if you had firepower, but one person, no matter how effective wouldn't be effective enough to overawe so many attackers. Glumly she raised her hands. "My name is Sayeeda Cyckali," she said, keeping her voice calm. Panicing was what prey did, and it was important she not be considered as prey. "I'm looking for someone," she went on and then she gave the leader a wink, "And sure we can talk about tolls." The rebel leader grinned broadly, his teeth surprisingly white against his dark skin. Members of his - squad? gang- snickered and stepped forward. They stripped her of her weapons, one man taking her rifle, another, a younger man barely older than a teenager unhooked her sub machinegun. By luck or ignorance they ignored the several grenades on her belt. "Well lets talk about that back at camp," the leader leered, he stepped behind her and made a desultory attempt to grope her, the body armor didn't make that very practical and so he settled for tying her hands behind her back with plastic ties. All of the men smelled of jungle life and maybe some sort of local narcotic but they had a confusing mix of weapons which seemed too advanced for rebels but too poor for military. Surplus maybe. The leader lifted her helmet off her head and smiled with pleasure at her revealed face. "Lets get her back to camp boys!" [@POOHEAD189]