[color=blueviolet][h3][center][i]Prometheus Vanguard[/i][/center][/h3][/color] [color=66CC66][h3][center][i]Rhagar Vanguard[/i][/center][/h3][/color] [center][color=goldenrod][i][u]Location: Woods near Vrodi[/u][/i][/color][/center] At first glance the camp looked completely abandoned which in most cases would have been a good thing. Yes, it was a great place for a ambush and honestly at the moment Rhagar didn’t really care. Yet something seemed to draw the young man in. As if there was a tug from an invisible string which hadn’t been used in almost 10 years. Something that was shared with two others, who could be buried 6 feet underground for all he knew. So why was this feeling active once again? [i][color=66CC66]” This is just ridiculous. What exactly am I hoping for here? I know I’m just grasping at straws here and in a way that’s alright. Though the likelihood of Prometheus and Minko being dead is fairly high considering how many years had passed. God I shouldn’t have said those things to Minlo. Why did I screamed out I hate you? I mean I know that no one knew about the attack but still… Please let me find them. Please don’t take them be ripped away from me too.”[/color][/i] The guy thought to himself as his body inched closer. Left foot first, followed by his right, as his eyes scanned the area around him. So far no one was anywhere to be seen, yet the pulling sensation was coming from this way. The teenager slowly shifted his left foot forward some more only to hit something that was implanted into the ground. [color=66CC66]” What the hell did I just hit?”[/color] [color=blueviolet]” If I were you I would stay exactly where you’re at. That is unless you want to lose something very important.”[/color] A female’s voice called out. Rhagar’s eyes glanced from right to left and back again. His figure staying exactly where he stood, not daring to move an inch quite yet. After a few seconds of standing still the teenager began wondering if he was hearing things. A small shift back was all that was needed for the attacker. A whooshing sound rushing past his ears, a subtle force at the side, and finally a whizzing at the man’s leg caused him to be forced back towards the tree behind him. [color=66CC66]” What the fuck is your problem!? I was about ready to leave! Wait… Are these knives? What the hell are you fucking trying to do!? Kill me!?”[/color] Rhagar shouted loudly. [color=blueviolet]” When someone warns you not to move boy then you don’t fucking move. You don’t turn around and attempt to run. You don’t even inch away with your front half god damn exposed to the whole fucking world. You stay put and pray that your enemies have mercy. Be sure to remember this for the future because the next time we meet your body will be laying on the ground. Growing cold from the constant blood lost.”[/color] The woman remarked as she slowly moved into his view. If it wasn’t for the knives holding his figure up the oldest sibling would be on the ground, crying and pleading for the younger one’s forgiveness right then and there. Though considering their rather strange predicament it was best to at least hear her out. After that was out of the way the scolding could commence. [color=66CC66]” I knew you missed me but there are other ways for us to meet. Ones that don't involve sharp objects to my limbs Prometheus.”[/color] The young man calmly stated only to receive a rather spine chilling glare. He felt his blood run cold and his limbs become weaker with each slow steady step the girl took. When the young woman was just centimeters from the young man a small chuckle released from her throat. One which both siblings knew all too well. If they were back in a time when their parents were alive the reaction wouldn’t have ratted him as much but since they weren’t this seem to make the tension that much more unbearable. [color=blueviolet]” I don’t think you quite understand what I mean brother. So let me put this a way that will help straighten out this little misunderstanding. If we ever find Minko again and you look her way I won’t hesitate to slit that skinny throat of yours. Better yet I’ll make sure to plunge my knives straight into you chest.”[/color] The triplet said tapping in about 5 different place before clearing her throat to continue speaking. [color=blueviolet]” As for you calling me sister you can kiss that privilege good bye Rhagar. You see my brother died a very long time ago. The person in front of me now is nothing more than my blood bag.’[/color] The descended dragon blinked a few times, as if waiting for the hypnotizing lime green glow in Prometheus’s eyes to disappear, and her voice to lighten in tone. Something which the young man could only hope for at the moment. The silence in the air continued to linger in place for what seemed like an hour man knew this girl was serious. [color=66CC66]” I see your insanity are still there. Not surprising considering that you always had a thing for Minko. Since you’ve threatened me first let’s make something clear. First of all I was anger that day. I never once meant what I said and I sure as hell still don’t. Second thing Prometheus you don’t ever threaten me. So I’ll let this one slide but remember on thing little girl. If you ever threaten me again I’ll make sure you won’t ever speak again. I’ll become your worst fucking nightmare.”[/color] [color=blueviolet]” You dare treat me like a idiot Rhagar? YOu think I wanted our parents to die? Do you think I wished Minko would be separated from me?”[/color] A frustrated sigh passed the young man’s lips as he attempted to make himself more comfortable despite the lingering hatred in the air. He knew if Prometheus wanted him dead then that threat would have been fulfilled a long time ago. Rhagar slowly moved his head sideways, noting that the young woman’s knife drove into the tree without a problem though it seemed she missed her actual mark or did she? [color=66CC66]” If you wanted me dead than you would have killed me the second I entered your camp. With that being said what are you actually stalling for? A crowd? Do you want this action look like just a simple act of justice or is there something more to it?”[/color] He asked as people seemed to stir from their simple homes.