[b]BATTLENET[/b] [hr] Mission: Bug Hunt Time: 23:15, 2995.11.14 23:15 SITREP: Our forces have driven back the bugs from the conservatory. Mechs, equipped with flamethrowers, scorched the incoming bugs and were positioned upon the front with infantry taking up the rear. A NCBW biotank defended the southern flank and engaged a group of insectoid soldiers, driving them back. 23:15 Troops have suffered five casualties and two mechs have been lost. Ten wounded are being treated at Koave Square. Colonial Militia have suffered ten casualties, and have twenty wounded being treated at the triage. 23:15 Our forces have established a perimeter at the sink hole. Preliminary scans indicate a tunnel network beneath the settlement of an unknown size. Be advised, tunnels are ill-suited to mechs. Recommend infantry take the lead. 23:16 Incoming transmission... [hider=Transmission] [b]*Psshk!*[/b] [img]http://blogpfthumb.phinf.naver.net/20130606_3/wjdwls717_1370521294134qnOMb_JPEG/67989670.jpg?type=w161[/img] [i]"Ricks here. Hot damn that was a hell of a fight! We got those damn buggers driven right back in their hole! Me and my boys will stay topside and take care of any stragglers while y'all proceed to take out that hive. Good luck!"[/i] [b]*Psshk!*[/b] Units proceeding into the hole, Commanders. [/hider]