Daisy regarded the new companions with some...pity, almost. Having been forced to stay in those tanks. It must have been uncomfortable. No one could hear you sing. No one would hear her sing right now, either, of course, because she'd already done enough to annoy these people, and she wanted to make the impression that she was a smart adventurer to these new people. One who had [i]seen things.[/i] And to be fair, she'd seen - and chronicled! - these fish people before. But she hadn't done much in the way of real dungeon-delving hijinks like these others probably had. But nothing probably prepared them for a prestidigitation-based cleanup, followed by an unusually comforting hug (and one for the crazy old man, too). "Normally, I'd give you a song. Not the time for that," She whispered into the gnome's ear, "and you'd get a nice one. I'll just come up with one later. I'll have more material to work with then anyway." >Soothing Presence (hug was for fun), 2 psi (so 6 temp HP) to Solglia ([@LovelyAnastasia]), Eilina ([@JBRam2002]), and Ulor ([@Oraculum]...because she's been annoying him since before the first time they were assaulted by fish).