[b]BATTLENET[/b] [hr] Mission: Bug Hunt Time: 00:45, 2995.11.15 [b]Debrief[/b] Federation forces entered the Bernard's Star System at 0645 U.T. and proceeded to Koatev orbit. Aerial recon commenced discovering an attacked convey around the Broen foothills with bugs being traced back into the mountains. Forces searched tylium mines in the mountains and found scattered bugs and a derelict hive. At approximately 2005 U.T. a sinkhole emerged in the settlement of Koave's Landing, the apparent result of insectoid tunneling beneath the settlement. Bugs emerged and at 2005 colonial militia forces dispatched a distress call to Federation forces. By 2030 U.T. Federation forces made landfall in Koave's Landing, linking up with militia forces in the city. The joint forced advanced on the bugs and made contact at 2105 U.T. rescuing a militia squad in distress. A NCBW tank flanked the insectoids and attacked from the south, while Manny's Mechs took the brunt of a frontal assault. As of 2300 insectoids were driven back to the hole. Using mechs as frontline troops with flamethrowers proved effective in reducing the number of troop casualties, as did the establishment of a triage. NCBW flanking the bugs successfully aided greatly in the battle, and drew bugs to the fight that might otherwise have gone deeper into the city. LMG providing air support allowed for greater tactical maneuvers on the ground, and increased offensive capabilities of the operation. At approximately 2330 U.T. Federation forces engaged insectoids within the tunnel, having located the hive and the queen. Insectoid forces, incapable of effectively countering Federation mechs, tanks, and air, retreated into the tunnel and defended the queen. Without support, marines were vulnerable, but effectively killed the queen and the insectoid remnants. [center][b]Mission Accomplished![/b] Manny's Mechs and Nought Contracted Bio Warfare to each be awarded a sum of [color=39b54a]3,000mc[/color]. Casualties: 10 Troopers, 2 Mechs[/center]