[color=ed1c24][b]Sam Littlehorn – Free Commonwealth of PA –[/b][/color] Sam leaned back on her char intensively staring at the representative of the Legion as he spoke. Her fingers tapping on the desk, as she listened to him go on about the acts of the NCR against his people in their foolish little campaign. Yet, she couldn’t help but smirk, as the so called legion played the part of victim in this situation, seemingly wishing to milk it for whatever it was worth. Before she could speak the President of the FCTS spoke up, “The Free Confederation of Texan States will take time to consider your proposal.” he paused while giving the word for rangers to carry a statement. Each nation would receive the message from a grey clad Texas Ranger. Sam took her note from the ranger; it was invitation to discuss how issue should be addressed. He turned his voice back to address the convention. “Now I would like to inquire about a matter we can surely agree on.”, he let that hang in the air for a few moments. “What action is being carried out against the Cult of Ug-Qualoth? My scouts report fighting in the north. This cult seems to defy basic human rights, and we believe action against them might be necessary”. Barnaky of the Midwestern Brotherhood spoke of his people’s campaign against the Cult. This interested her group. They were in constant state of war with the cult, and for now the cult focused on them. Their fight allowed the Commonwealth time to build up their defensive line, and strengthen the western border. Soon the Crusaders would reveal themselves back home, and show just what they are capable of doing. However, her face and demeanor showed her disgust when he spoke favorably of the Legion by taking their side. As he finished, she stood and laughed a bit. “Oh…poor Legion…poor little victims. I know the representative of Texas wished to have the member nations of the soon to be Co-Prosperity Sphere discuss our response in unison and how we should proceed…however, I’ll like to make our position known.” She paused, looking around and then slammed the table, causing drinks and anything standing on it to fall over, “IT WILL BE A COLD DARK DAY IN HELL, BEFORE WE SIDE WITH THESE HEATHENS AND SLAVERS! TO US YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN THE CULT!” She plopped back down on her chair, and moved strand of her red hair to the side, and coolly replied “I vote no.”