[quote=@Double] [@DangDude] You were accepted, btw. Not sure if you caught it but go ahead and move your sheet over to the Char Tab. [/quote] Awesome, thanks! Also, think I'm going to go with a made up world for my character. Couldn't really think of anywhere she'd fit in in the Disney universe(s). I was thinking a fictional world based around fairy tales (given Mira's similarities to a sort of red ridinghood appearance)?? I don't know how much I'd necessarily delve into the world and it's history through revealing her past through the roleplay, plus I know it's technically not in the Disney universe, but I thought it would be interesting since the franchise is based off a twist from childhood stories to begin with. Also, thoughts on Mira having a familiar-sort of character? Thinking of interpreting the creature in her image into her character/story. Maybe even as an achievable summon later down the line as a remnant of her lost world.