[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4B27bPA.png[/img] [h3][color=goldenrod]Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria[/color][/h3][/center] [color=goldenrod][i]"Eh. He's a demon. We're all up to something."[/i][/color] Fran waited patiently for a teleportation, but when it seemed like there was only silence Fran signed and tried to remember the lay out of the catacombs. And when she failed to do that, she tried to remember the general direction of northeast. [color=goldenrod]"What a bother. At least give me a beacon to know when I'm close or something."[/color] Fran grumbled as she produced her wings and started flying through the catacombs to the location of the enemy. She was moving fairly fast, but the winding halls and the occasional dead end would extend the journey to wherever Fran is suppose to be. Along the way she did make multiple illusions for non-demonic entities. Most of these illusions were fairly simple, basically just her hiding trap holes or spike walls by making them look like solid ground or a open hallway. She hopes to later hear how angelic or machina soldiers end up impaled on spikes because they didn't realize the hallway was an illusion. While Fran was here she did wonder if she could possibly get her hands on some powerful undead warrior. Her research on a mythical creature from Suparna's book was interesting, but required some things that Fran couldn't regularly achieve as a demon. Namely she heard of some powerful lupine creature known as "Fenrir", but being divine in origins a demon like Fran wouldn't have an easy time getting to him. She debated if she should defect to Heaven, considering her loose loyalties to Hell, but Fran shook this thought off. [color=goldenrod]"No. If I did that, she'd think I was just chasing after her. I need to move on."[/color] Still Fenrir's power wasn't something Fran could ignore, and she hasn't heard of anyone who had powers similar to it. A beast that could consume anything would be helpful considering all the reality-defying warriors around this place, and it isn't as if Fran had all the time in the world to train up and become just as powerful by the next battle. She'd just have to take power where she could find it. [color=goldenrod]"Fuck. Another dead end. I don't suppose they could make it easy for me and just come find me?"[/color] Fran said as she layered another illusion over a a dart trap. Just for good measure she made herself invisible too, in case they did find her and they're just waiting for Fran. [@KoL]