[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] Katya knew deep down pushing the thrusters beyond their safety limits was a dumb idea. Still the results spoke for themselves as she reached the NOAH first. Only to have her main thrusters explode and hit the NOAH’s side. Setting more alarms than she would have preferred to hear as she watch bit of armour break away from the werk. Katya ignoring it mostly as she used the werks manoeuvring thrusters to get the werk into the safety of the Hanger. Once in the hanger, Katya was quick to set the elite down, watching as drones came to drag in of. Part of her still wishing she could take peek at its hardware salvage anything intact. But doubted it would happen, but salvaging machinery and putting stuff together out of scrap was something she enjoyed and missed doing. Given she’d not had much chance to since leaving home. Katya was about to remove her next bit of cargo when a warning flashed on her main HUD that Caretaker magnetic lock system had just failed. The werk registering two bits of cargo lost. Her rifle and the stasis sphere both of which were on a course for the ground. Katya letting of several curses in a language native to her world. Katya made no effort to catch either one. Knowing her werk could not move quickly enough to do so. Merely hope the sphere could endure a drop from Caretaker waist height. While her rifle she knew could take the fall. It was made to withstand a bit of a beating for it failed. So watched as both hit the ground with a loud bang and hoped she’d not get in trouble for dropping Elora. Katya feeling bad she had just let that happen. Katya used Caretaker to scan the sphere which to her relief seemed durable enough to take the fall. Watching as more drones came to collect it and haul it off to what Katya assumed would be the medical bay. Part of her wanting to ditch Caretaker and see Elora. However knew she’d only cause problems so instead reminded she still had drones pair of drones issued the recall command. However when she glanced at the drones status saw one was still active. It responding and scurrying it way back to Caretaker. Katya turning to werk to towards Black Star to see it had fallen when it landed. Had actually crushed the other drone. [color=Fuchsia]“All but one … I feel sorry for them. I need to be more careful with them next time. Can’t afford to lose so many each mission.”[/color] she muttered as she started to feel tired and the headache from the scream once again come to the forefront of her mind. No long distracted with trying to escape or not trying to reign in out of control squadmates. Having no need for Caretaker, she powered the werk down climbed down and unable to muster up any more energy so fall back onto one of Caretaker feet. The mission having exhausted Katya she merely sat at her werks feet and tried to ignore her head, hoping she’d be able to muster up a little energy in a few minutes. If not pretty sure someone would come give her hand eventually. But for the moment a minute or two alone wouldn’t bother her. [color=Fuchsia]“Agh my head, feels like someones stuck in in vice. Damn that elite for using Elora like that. It deserved a much slower death.”[/color] she muttered replying the moment the Elite made Elora perform that scream.