A man obscured by the darkness of the near pitch black room he was in approached the only source of light in the room, a glowing orb gently floated around waist-height. The dimensions of the room were impossible to determine, each way he looked displayed only a black fog except for the light. The orb did not illuminate anything around it yet it still managed to pierce the darkness enough to be located. It was only from second-hand knowledge that he knew the room was completely empty save for one other person, the person whom he had urgent information for. [center] "[i][color=fdc68a]Master, the prospects we're expecting from this year's Ascension Day appear particularly gifted[/color][/i]." The dim light seemed to grow in intensity, enough to illuminate the shadow of the man he was speaking to. His master sat still in meditation "[i][color=7ea7d8]We receive gifted individuals every year Rez so I trust you are not putting a meaningless label on them to interest me[/color][/i]." The weight and authority of his voice carried a wisdom that the younger Rez had not yet come to possess. "[i][color=fdc68a]I assure I do not say this without clear reason. The reports on last year's prospects are clear and the ones this year are even more promising[/color][/i]." Rez could hear the low grumbling of his master's voice as silence filled the dark room for a few moments "[i][color=7ea7d8]That is hardly news to deliver to me. What else is it that you have come to say[/color][/i]?" The assertion was firm and Rez still could not tell if his master had even decided to stand up finally. "[i][color=fdc68a]We have made a breakthrough.[/color][/i]" That was all he said at first which he hoped grabbed his master's attention "[i][color=fdc68a]The Guardian prototype has been completed. My team has begun immediately on the variants.[/color][/i]." A strong sense of pride guided his voice. [/center] A low chuckle filled the air of the chamber "[i][color=7ea7d8]Then at the least we will have them in case of the worst. I must commend you for your hard work and diligence in completing this project. When you leave, please inform Dai to begin the Harbinger project immediately[/color][/i]." That last sentence was a clear indication to leave and Rez did so immediately without another word. 250 years of research, testing, and finally constructing had finally produced a viable product. A tool that would ensure the survival of the world. [center][h1][color=fff79a]Day of Ascension in Avriel[/color][/h1][/center] It is an event like no other in all of the kingdoms of Avriel and each Kingdom has its own special way of celebrating it. Ascension Day, as first coined by Veridius Maxell of Crux Redentor, is both a pledge to the Architects who protect the kingdoms as well as a celebration of those leaving to join them in the fight. While every Kingdom has developed different traditions regarding the event, there are a few factors that a persistent throughout all the kingdoms. A ceremony is held at the beginning to honor and display those who have been chosen to join the Architects with a chance for each prospect to make a small speech should they choose to, though it is common to say at least a few words. The streets fill with games, music, and food vendors from across every corner of the kingdom with performances unique to the kingdom itself. The grand tournaments across the kingdoms are one of the large attractions, with prominent warriors seeking attention in order to join next year's prospects. A great community feast hosted by the kingdom's royalty is held later in the day as a way of expressing the people's support of those being sent. Each prospect is given a gift that represents their homeland to help in the battles ahead. Finally the day is concluded with a farewell as the prospects are lead through the capital's city's streets to its gates and a final dedication is given. Once outside the safety of the kingdom's walls, it rests on the shoulder of the prospects to reach the Architect's city whose name is still unknown. Colorful banners and ribbons spread from house to house in the kingdom's capital cities while dancing music rises just above the constant chatter of people filling the streets. Ascension Day has finally arrived in the beginnings of spring with flowers in bloom and greenery once more filling the landscape after a especially hard winter. Each kingdom is honoring the fledgling heroes chosen today with their own traditions and ceremonies yet the kingdoms of Avriel are joined together in celebration. There are however a small but growing number of citizens spread across the kingdoms who are strongly opposed to the day and in greater the Architects themselves. This rising influence is reported to be the cause of a rebellious group known as the 'Vanguards of Truth', responsible for several murders in the past. Despite this, The festivities have begun as usual without any sort of hassle. Individuals seeking to join next year's prospects can be seen trying to raise their chances to be chosen and increase their own influence.