[@Asher890] There were a number of more wealthy noble families of Anserith that had protested Elodie being selected as Chosen for Anserith's Ascension Day numerous times. King Valian, a fair and wise older man, had stricken down every complaint that was given as to why her position should go to someone else. One such complaint that showed up a lot in their arguments was Elodie did not carry herself with the dignity and pride that an Anserian should. Valian laughed directly in regards to such an absurd statement saying "[b]there are no requirements for the chosen except great ability and a desire to be greater[/b]." which was then the last time it was brought before the king. Anserith's celebration is held in the lustrous capital Aion, a city built with beautiful white stone and embellished with gold. Gardens and fountains served to bring color and life as well as a popular meeting place for its citizens. The majority of the festivities were being held in the city square, or rather circle, that consisted of a large circular mosaic of the first king of Anserith in golden armor. Since Anserians could fly, the mosaic was quite large and only recognizable from the air. One of the nice parts about Ascension Day in Anserith is that the people tended to largely drop the rigidness normally shown in social situations. Large flying beasts called Walahs, often used transport between the floating cities, were anchored just off the edge of the isle with special shows and performances from across Avriel. King Valian along with the rest of the royal court were at the center of the square. The eldest prince and heir to the throne, Illuminos, was said to be a valid candidate for this year's chosen if he was not destined to be the next king with Valian's health in decline. This was perhaps the reason that the ceremonies were to be conducted by him, as Ascension Day was a important day in Anserith as in all the kingdoms and thus would be one of his duties as king. Elodie was not the only controversial chosen this year for Anserith, a half-breed by the name of Feron who was raised on the ground due to him not having wings. He was standing next to Elodie waiting for the Prince to finish his speech though he seemed much more interested in his surroundings "[color=fff79a]....why all of Anserith can rest assured that these chosen beside me will continue the peace and safety we have taken for granted. Now we shall celebrate that peace and safety to honor their future service to this world. Let the festivities commence![/color]" Illuminos was often said to be following in his father's footsteps and his charisma with his speech was a sure sign. The sounds of cheering and clapping filled the air as the prince stepped down from the grand stage set up and moved towards Elodie and Feron "[color=fff79a]Please enjoy today as much as you can, since you are the chosen anything today is free for you.[/color]" he stated pleasantly giving a small bow to each of you. Feron spoke first a nice smile across his lips "[color=a2d39c]Thank you, I think I shall explore the city some.[/color]" he replied thoughtfully, though navigating through the crowds would prove difficult without flying. [@DangDude] It had almost become an expectation that Connor would one day become chosen ever since the night his father was murdered, a shocking event that spread across not only Illyria but to other kingdoms as well. The reasoning behind the murder was never expressed to the public to prevent fear from spreading among them. While most of the common folk have forgotten mostly about the incident, it has not left the minds of the higher class. A fear of a repeating incident was the reason that a two-man armed escort was sent to Connor's residence to guard against a possible attack. When Ascension Day finally arrived, They escorted him to royal palace in Illyria's capital city of Kaslyn where he met with two other chosen who would be joining him, a draconian female named Selti and another human male named Edward. Selti due to be a draconian stood over a solid foot over Connor though she appeared rather timid for her size. Edward on the other was fierce and loud with complete confidence in his abilities as a knight. Kaslyn was considered the central trade hub for all the kingdoms and the wealth brought in from that title was evident in the construction and style of the houses and streets. The roads were paved with smooth and unscratched stones, colorful adornments draped over every building, fast-tempo music filled the ears of every citizen, and the smell of hot food saturated the air. Canisters of the stimulant gas famous in Illyria could be found at vendors on every corner under guidance of a certified distributor. Illyrians were known for their exceptional work ethic going beyond what was typically needed to complete the job. This of course meant when the biggest party across all the kingdoms came, they entire kingdom let loose to enjoy it. Illyria's King was a man of indulgence and high humor, the sort that a wealthy kingdom allowed him to have. His speech to start this year's Ascension Day was heartfelt but lighter on the subject "[b]...and we have the mighty Architects to thank for that. These chosen three who have proven their skill and valor will leave later today to join them in protecting the citizens of this world and one day bringing peace and prosperity to all. Let us celebrate their strength and courage![/b]" he finished strongly with a wide, charming smile on his lips waving to his people before stepping down from the pedestal "[b]Now you three should go forth and enjoy all the vices offered today, it is the least Illyria can do for our future protectors.[/b]" he spoke in a jolly tone looking at them "[b]The tournament will start in a couple hours if any of you are interested. Not that you have to prove yourself but maybe show the upcomers what it takes![/b]" He chuckled in his low bellowing voice fit for a bear before leaving with his royal guard. Edward had that arrogant smirk he often showcased "[color=f7976a]I can't wait for the tournament! It's the only one of its kind where you can go all out[/color]." The bold eagerness showed plainly in his voice not that there was no reason for it. He was after all one of the chosen who had to be strong in one regard or another. Selti you heard had the ability to draw and power runes in the air which allowed a sort of minefield to be created, which could be detonated by her hand at anytime. Runes used specific magical symbols to draw and store power in a fixed position on a object or surface, which would deplete entirely after use. "[color=fdc68a]What about you connor?"[/color]." Selti asked you directly after discretely rolling her eyes at Edward [@RyuShura] The paladins had taken Minev to Crux Redentor, home of the last order, where she would be selected to be chosen for their Ascension Day along with one other, a female Fox-Amali named Saiyuri. Minev might have faced a great of resistance if was not for the fact the paladins were under the King's influence and thus he supported the idea of an agent. Crux Redentor's King Massik had himself began to question the validity of the Architect's claims and assert that the army of Crux Redentor could survive without them. The capital was called Valia, one of the largest cities left in Avriel, and under Massik's rule had turned into the leading supplier of weapons among the kingdoms. The buildings were large cathedral structures built of stone with gray tiled roofs with a large street leading towards the base of the royal palace. The kingdom's banner draped from every building and the sound of brass instruments thundered through the air as a grand parade moved through the central street. Performers showed off one after the other moving towards the palace, the citizens lining the edges with excited faces. After the parade had concluded, King Massik began his speech to honor the aspiring heroes as was tradition. The tone throughout the speech was clearly designed to inspire pride in their nation and pride in those chosen to become Architects. He made sure to emphasize the importance of not solely relying on the Architects to provide security and that only Crux Redentor should continue to strengthen itself "[b].....we do not know if or when the Lich King might attack our home again but we must be prepared as do the chosen we send to fight. They are the vanguard of Crux Redentor, our investment in ending the Lich King once and for all![/b]" The crowd erupted in roaring cheers as banners flew high as Massik stepped down to converse with the two chosen. He wore a a heavy velvet cape which made his presence all the more intimating "[b]I have no doubt you will represent our kingdom well when you reach the Architect's city. Crux Redentor's strength is your strength.[/b]" he boasted pleasant enough but as he walked passed them he smiled at Minev "[b]I trust that you keep us in mind[/b]." he spoke to both of them but a threat was hinted in his voice that was clearly directed at Minev before he departed. Wherever Minev went she had a small number of paladins follow, clearly trying to prevent her from doing anything rash. Among one of the paladins that had been assigned to 'guard' Minev was a sentinel by the name of Halcine. She was young compared to others of the order but she kept up with the rest. Halcine was more sympathetic than the rest of the paladins, questioning a few times the natures of their intentions only to receive backlash. In other words, the young paladin did not treat Minev as a lesser being simply for the power over spirits that seemed to trigger the others disdain. Saiyuri was a kind person normally but was not afraid to show her fiercer side. In a demonstration of her abilities in the past, She shown exceptional speed and martial prowess showcasing how deadly she could be without a weapon. The black-tipped orange fox ears on her heard seemed to be constantly twitching listening to the loud, messy, mix of noise currently going on "[color=f9ad81]My strength is all I shall need[/color]." she remarked with a half-smile as the king left. Saiyuri had more than once been a bit vocal about her disdain for current king, never showing any honest signs of respect towards him.