[color=ed1c24][u][b]Titus Crassus, Quaestor of The Legion[/b][/u][/color] Once Crassus had finished his speech and sat down, an aide-de-camp of the revered Barnaky of The Midwestern Brotherhood had approached his table and sat a carefully folded envelope slip down in front of him, indicating only that it was for Titus's eyes only and that it was being given courtesy of Midwestern intelligence agents. Curious, Titus opened the evelope and began reading the provided dossier. Its contents were quite surprising. The Midwest had apparently discovered an NCR invasion force attempting to take Santa Fe by surprise. In addition, Barnaky made his intentions known of announcing this to the assembled delegates, and also indicated that the Midwest had already passed this valuable intel along to Caesar himself. Titus smiled, and gave a subtle nod to Barnaky, indicating his approval and letting the Midwestern leader know that The Legion was grateful for their support. It was clear that Midwestern military intelligence was second to none. Even the feared Frumentarii would have difficulty keeping up with the Midwest's advanced technology, which could bring to bear things that could only be dreamed up by The Legion. Barnaky had then launched into an impressive speech condemning the NCR and revealing the status of the "hidden" army force, along with his intent to declare war if The NCR insisted on continuing down this foolish path. Counting on The Midwest's intervention had been an established part of Caesar's battle plan for a potential NCR invasion for some time, and Caesar Lucius had sent word to Barnaky only moments after learning of the imminent likelihood of attack. Now this alliance would be made clear and quite apparent to all present. The Midwestern leader finished with flair and seconded Titus's proposal. Shortly after he'd finished speaking however, one of the eastern delegates from the strange place known as the "Pennslvania Commonwealth" had spoke up loudly and with no small degree of hatred directed at him. [i] “IT WILL BE A COLD DARK DAY IN HELL, BEFORE WE SIDE WITH THESE HEATHENS AND SLAVERS! TO US YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN THE CULT!” [/i] She shouted. Titus simply nodded, and stood up once more to take the floor, "I understand we have our differences," He began, "But I will make my position clear as well, this is not a matter of sympathy for The Legion or even tolerating our ways. This is a simple matter of determining whether or not The NCR acted justly and in good faith when attending this convention, which was ostensibly intended to promote peace. Something that I would hope you might appreciate, if not approve of." "I would like to add too," He continued, "That I cannot speak to the atrocities of The Cult, as their actions in the east are unfamiliar to us. Which is why Caesar has ordered that a representative from The Legion be sent east to ascertain the full story of what dangers they might pose to us all. Furthermore, I would say that while you may calls us heathens, know that Caesar has done much to protect your faith in his lands, offering sanctuary in the Zion Valley and allowing missionaries to travel in absolute safety throughout Legion territory. Where previously there was tribal war parties and raiders roving the land, now there is order and stability. Sometimes, bringing order to uncivilized peoples requires brute force and an uncompromising position. Our methods may be harsh to someone of your sensibilities, but they are necessary. Perhaps, in time, they will no longer be needed. It is the hope and goal for Caesar to bring a great many changes to his Legion, transforming it from the nomadic band of warriors that it was, to a well organized, stable, and modernized nation, dependent not on conquest but on economic and political ties with its neighbors. It is unfortunate that you would be quick to condemn us to fiery damnation, before allowing Caesar's vision to come to fruition. After all, do not all nations go through periods of trial and tribulation? Is there any nation here which can honestly say they are bloodless in their actions at all times? That they have never brought misery or fear to anyone? If not, then we ask for time, nothing more." With that, Titus took his seat once again.