... The young witch was wearing a decorated hooded garb that covered most of her body, dragging down past her taloned feet, making sure to hide most of her animalistic form as possible. Unlike other Amali, she was unable to shape back and forth, stuck in this strange limbo. Maybe it was a result of her mixed blood, but that was based on her own assessment than any actual fact. Though the long horns peering through the head were something unavoidable at that point. She tried her best to be presentable to the public, as was demanded from her, but her peculiar tastes shone through where she was able to preserve them. She looked like a gypsy, or nomad of sorts, with odd bits and jewelry running down the folds of her obscuring dress, but they didn't allow her to tie effigies to her waist band or carry her strange boned totems and black-straw dolls. Like this, she stood out like an outlandish weed among the common people, but acceptable enough where she could just be tolerated. Minev received plenty of cold glares here and there across the ceremony, but that was something she was long grown accustomed to. As always, she smiled and waved at those who had dared to cheer as she traversed the streets, her green iridescent eyes kept low so she wouldn't spook anyone. Too much. She naturally had an unsettling aura, and anyone that paid very close attention might notice her trailing shadow acted strangely at times. After the king made his speech, he came to greet his Champions, as was custom. Massik was a name to be revered, though many would know fear rather than respect in hearing that name. She was the sort that should be afraid, her 'kind' blatantly hunted in this kingdom for their heretical interest. But she did not seem to show an ounce of fear to the man, as Minev simply smiled dainty at the imposing cloaked figure as he approached. She bowed her head and body in courtesy towards the King, bending her long back dramatically, as though only to purely satisfy her host and audience, rather than something of actual respect. [b]"Of course, I will never forget your kind hospitality. My surrogate king..."[/b] she says in her quiet voice, returning up to face him. Underneath her the flap of her hood was the tattooed half of her face, her carved pale lips bent up in a modest smile that almost resembled an eerie visage. As Massik walked on past her, making his comment, Minev turned slightly and spoke aloud. Whether he stopped to listen or not, she made sure he remained in earshot the whole time. [b]"Hmm. I recall an old saying that feels fitting for this moment. This is a passage from the diary of a once-famed knight, one I discovered while skimming through the grand libraries here. Allow me to recite it, in honor to all the heroes, past and present, who have pledged themselves to this venerable country and cause."[/b] The exotic woman then moves her arm forward, taking in a theatrical display as she spoke in a voice that addressed both him and the people around, [b]"Today, I go forth to slay a beast. And tomorrow, I shall slay another. I do so to protect all that I love, my people, my country, and my king. I will carry on this duty until I draw my last breath. However, as the end draws near, the truth has dawned on me. It is not my king that I have given my life. It belongs now to the Beast. My life-long task will soon end. But will anything have changed for my sacrifice...?' Or so it goes."[/b] Her green-lit eyes shine now as Minev looks up towards the king from her hood, [b]"Melancholy, is it not? But I have a feeling this time will be different, dear king! Yes, I hear the great Muse singing her song of fortune in my ears. I shall bring forth the change you desire. And for our people..."[/b] When it was all done, Minev grinned at the comment made by Saiyuri, turning to the fox-like Amali. Her smile seemed honest, not the synthesized one she always wore. There was a deep kinship they both shared, one that filled Minev with a fondness towards her partner. But it was tenuous at best, given her strange appearance starkly contrasted the beautiful and elegance of the orange-furred warrior. Despite their linked status as 'Champions', they hadn't much opportunity to share conversation. They might share a similar esteem, but unlike the latter, Minev wasn't trusted to be alone, nor was she allowed anywhere else besides her private quarters located deep within the castle grounds. Even being officially announced as a Champion for Crux Redentor, as Minev spoke, she kept in mind the paladin retinue that followed her and watched her every movement. They make sure she was only to be doing what the King wanted, and nothing more. She could feel the hatred in their eyes, the singular, washed morals engraved into their minds. Beneath their ceremonial robes, no doubt, their hands were gripped upon their silvered blades, waiting to cut down the heretic. And so her words came out in cryptic phrases. [b]"Great kings are slaves, and their people are free. So where does that leave us, I wonder, when all of us are slaves...? Slaves to our duty, of course. Even the king himself must feel awfully shackled. Poor thing."[/b] she says with a sarcastic smile only Saiyrui would be able to see, [b]"My, now that I think about it, I don't know much about you. We've both been tasked to go forth to the city of Architects on behalf of our great king, yet I find myself at a loss of what I may expect from my journeying companion. If you've some time, may I request a personal tour of the festival? I haven't tried any of the delicacies this city has to offer, and sharing it among one of my kin would be most wonderful!"[/b] Minev took Saiyuri's hands in her own as she said the last bit, stepping up and giving her a wide smile. To many, it would seem just like an innocent feminine gesture. But in reality, having taken great care to hide it in her elaborate act, held between both their hands was a small folded parchment. [b]"Of course, only if the king would allow me this pleasure..."[/b] Minev says, looking back at her retinue for allowance. Whether she was allowed to venture out or not, Saiyuri would still receive her message. That much was enough for her plan, even if this part should fail. ...