[@Ithradine] Elodie offered a small smile, "[color=lightsteelblue]Thanks,[/color]" She paused glancing at Illuminos,"[color=lightsteelblue] So what duties must you attend to at this shindig? [/color]" Her icy blue orbs sparkled playfully. She had previously been standing beside Feron, the half- breed Anserian, listening to Prince Illuminos's speech. She had appreciated the words, and they seemed genuine enough. Aion's city square was decorated beautifully, but it was a bit gaudy for Elodie's taste. However, the gardens were beautifully put together. She even recognized her favorite flowers. She continued looking around, her eyes focusing in on her fellow festival goers. Today they were actually acting somewhat normal, smiles on most of the people. She noticed a few dirty looks, it was clear they were unhappy with her being chosen. She understood why they would be; by no means was Elodie considered the cream of the crop in Anserith society. Not to mention the fact that her family was one of the poorer ones. Due to the fact that she had spent her youth at the magic school in Voy, she had not spent it being shaped by uptight elders. Since she came back she'd received an overwhelmingly negative response from some of the most formidable houses in all of Anserith. While she didn't particularly care what they thought, her mother sure did. Today was another chance to prove that her child wasn't a complete failure. Since Elodie had been chosen as one of the 'Ascended', her mother thought it necessary to dress for the festival. The whole nine yards; now here, Elodie was glad for her mother decision. The process of getting ready took more than two hours-- from picking out the right perfume to selecting the best hair arrangement. Even her dress was her mother's call. This was the most done up she had been in years, not including the disaster of her mother's soirée summers ago. Until she came down it was going well for a Prosperi party, the thing that ruined it was her. She had been about three years old and had been complaining of a hurting stomach. Her mother had believed that it was farce until Elodie projectile vomited on a influential party goer. Despite the Anserian disapproval, Elodie knew that she was an excellent mage and more importantly a great person. She believed in herself and didn't give a damn about what others thought about her. Elodie had spent years honing her skill at the academy, now she was incredibly adept at her skill. Her experience had Voy had been the best. Elodie looked back at Illuminos awaiting his reply. She barely knew the man, but had talked to him before she had been sent off. The only real memories she had of him was when she had been young. From what she remembered he had been kind. She didn't have any friends, but Feron and her got along fairly well despite his lack of wings. He, too, had been a controversial chose, however, Elodie enjoyed the company of someone who was equally hated in the Anserith social scene.