-stares banner- Oh crap I forgot about Data. Sorry Data! But finally I've finished my sheets, they look awful but there ya go. -clears throat- Now that those are off my plate, I can work on getting a post, probably at some point tomorrow. I also have a group post to do as well and I wanna try and time my replies so no one posts right before I go because then it'll bug me for two weeks. -laughs- And awww yeah no Uhura. :/ But we've got such a big cast that OCs and new/side roles (like Guinan and Uhura) aren't needed as much in terms of being on the banner. No worries! I probably won't tweak with it. If I do anything, I may make phase banners for us or something like that. We gotta have spiffy episode titles or something right? Since Data does seem perceptive he and my Betazoid (Nex) may notice the lack of well emotion coming from Rommoe. I think if they notice they probably wouldn't say anything at first and sort of wait. Unless you're thinking it would be unnoticed for a while. I think otherwise the rest of my characters (except for maybe Guinan?) wouldn't really be able to tell a difference between Rommie and a human just due to how she's designed. To them androids aren't that far yet and it'll be pretty amazing to see how another universe had made such progress with so many things. As much as I love Uhura I used the younger version from Kelvin (if that's okay!) so I doubt she'd interest him much. I did make a male and female OC, the guy more akin to your OC Ensign and my female, my Betazoid to replace Troi. -shudders- And the concise summary works for me! It almost sounds like that announcer guy from DBZ.