lol. You can't forget Data. ;) jk. At least you caught it. :) But yay. They work. We don't need a lot of information on them. Just something to start us off with. We can always go back and add some here and there (did that with Rommie so lol). And no problem. I can wait until tomorrow *sigh* jk. But seriously, no rush :) Ooo phase banners. And episodes huh? That will be interesting how we'll try to break that up. I guess we can kind of work on that. i.e. Episode 1: Lost Finding they're lost. Getting Rommie and Gaheris on board. Probably end with the Enterprise finding out that Rommie knows the area. Or something... Or we just write it. :hmm But yes. Awesome banners *nods* That will be cool The lack of emotion could be tied to making thinking she's Vulcan (unless of course the lack of knowledge she has initially on Vulcan and the Federation could feature that). Given enough time alone with the computer, she'd probably get caught up to speed fairly quickly - quicker. Though it would be very frustrating as she has instant access with herself on the Andromeda and would have to 'pour' over pages on the Enterprise. lol But Nex will pick up not just a lack of well emotion but anything. Rommie will be completely unreadable - based off Betazoid capabilities. I'm thinking what we might do - is the initial meeting, Rommie doesn't give it away. But upon meeting Data she will be intrigued (remember androids are either a lot less sophisticated - like robots - or avatar units for ship AIs). The fact that Data is neither will intrigue her. That might not give her away but might make notice (especially when Data picks up other things - the lack of emotion, the logical aspect, the fact only ONE life sign was picked up). Then of course when Nex meets her and doesn't pick up anything from her. That might raise flags as well. Then (either before they tell the captain or after) when Rommie is able to not only pinpoint their exact location but able to direct them with seeming ease - they probably figure it out. And of course Guinan has her own special sixth sense - so she probably not only figures out Rommie but realizes that they belong to this universe. Now THAT would be a fun conversation. Guinan catching Rommie (and maybe Gaheris) and saying that and their shock that she knows (Rommie will probably pick it up fairly quickly - "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth") But yeah - I don't think I want to keep it secret long. It might not even last the day. We'll see. :) (No problem. Younger Uhura works :) ) Yay. A replacement for Troi. And nice. Ireland eh? Should be interesting. Yes, very concise lol. :) Though (don't shoot me) I have not actually seen DBZ (just pulled up a video to see if I can get his voice). :/