Well, the gist is that I basically proposed post-apocalyptic Hive City except underground and during a period of perpetual global twilight spawned by said apocalypse. The most valuable thing in the world right now is old world knowledge, from before the apocalypse I mean, and the two local superpowers are the Empire of the Crimson Throne and the Children of Aberforth (or whatever, just a post apocalyptic version of your Children of Archimenon). The two are fighting over a museum that survived the chaos by falling into a natural cavern complex, only problem is the caverns are held by gangs that are locked in perpetual war over the scarce underground resources, and without clearing them out the superpowers can't risk mounting an invasion on the city for fear of unifying the gangs against themselves and, even worse, possibly in favor of the other side. So the gangs occasionally cut deals with the superpowers in return for the resources needed to carve out their territories in the underground, but won't agree to any permanent alliance with either side because the offer from across the table gets better the higher their price from the former was, a system that is only sustainable because of the extreme value represented by the museum. I'll start on some sheets in case this does become a gang vs. gang type of thing, but I could also do a generic gladiatorial type of deal with one character. Medieval melee with no magic seems to be the direction we're leaning, so I'll build my character/gang that way.