[color=39b54a][center][h2][i][u]Shizuka Ichimi[/u][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v0nMG5u.gif[/img][/center] [Center][COLOR=39b54a][sup][b]Konohagakure | Chūnin | Breezy-nin[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=39b54a][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Earth Challenge Room[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@LadyinInk][@Altered Tundra][@Reflection][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Shizuka was wondering if he would feel any pressure soon, hopefully this thing examined his blood pressure and let him know whether he was being healthy or not. He didn’t really track his vitals, but he was pretty athletic and ate modestly, except strudels, oh how they cursed him and taunted him with their delicate fluffy pastryness. Shizuka’s hair raised on end when he heard the shrill of his teammate [i] "What're you doing!? We don't even know what that thing is gonna do yet!"[/i] Shizuka half wanted to start screaming in pain and fall to floor as if his arm was being shredded life cheese, but the other half of him couldn’t think since it was her turn to invade his personal space. Shizuka had never experienced a foreign power challenging him so closely, well he did, but it was never a female, generally all males. Time seemed to slow down as she got closer to him, there was something wrong with his body. His heartbeat started to rise slowly, had the pressure measurer started working? No it was something else. [color=39b54a][i]”Thump…Thump…Thump”[/i][/color] his heart playing in his ears now. There was also a feint smell of lavender from what he could have only assumed was coming from the girl and her hair. It was a relaxing smell, one that reminded him of the plants in the garden his mother owned back when he lived in Sunagakure, it was nothing but sand yet his mother had a green thumb that could make everything grow. While the scent was essential for calming nerves and alleviating headaches, Shizuka’s mind was still doing laps. His temple had small beads of sweat and his cheeks began to gain a small hint of red. Before he could stumble over his words her finger met his forehead, positive energy injected into his body. She sauntered off and Shizuka coughed loudly while fixing his garments before shaking himself out of it and nodding in agreement. Breaking the awkward air only he felt he turned and peered beyond the throne to his teammate whom he liked more and more as he was almost as open as Shizuka was. [color=39b54a]“Oi, Thunder God! I saw a fish. That is all. Go back to sticking your hand in stuff.”[/color] As soon as he finished Jaakuna thrusted his hand into the proper mechanism and the room began to transform once again. One again the flashing lights came on and the machine tightened around Shizuka’s arm leaving no room to move around. Quickly the feeling of draining coursed through his body, his chakra was being sapped, and he was feeling woozy this time not from Kiku passing by him. With the draining also came a seal that felt like a hot brand being placed on his skin. Trying to control his breathing, Shizuka bared the pain and kept his focus while the Golem was coming to life. Did miners really do this when they needed to move around? With his arm released and the golem having paved the way for them to continue on, with hopefully their final challenge, Shizuka stood up and walked over to his other two teammates. [color=39b54a]“Are you guys alright? At least we got matching tattoos am I right?”[/color] Letting out a feint weakened chuckle. He may not have been the Leader Kurin intended to be, but he was a kind leader ensuring the safety and health of his comrades. He reached out a hand in case anyone had stumbled. Shizuka wanted to get out of this dreaded tombstone, he walked into the hallway and quickly glazed over the painting and its cryptic messages. There was no worm and the other inscriptions had been useless up until now, the creators really knew how to waste their time down here. There was a bitterness nipping at his skin upon entering the cold dark room. His wind senses had discovered something else was in that room, but there was no chakra leaking from it. His foot crunched whatever had been underneath, when he bent down to look it was a massive pile of human bones. Shizuka once again adorned his stoic and serious fighting intent. This was no time for games, Shizuka walked behind Kurin gripping and thumbing the guard from its scabbard showing the gorgeous black steel only slightly. [color=39b54a]“As long as we work together I’ll make short work of this beast. I may not be able to use wind against it, but I am a Samurai before I’m anything else. I’ll do my best to create openings and distract the beast. Do not worry about me, I need the rest of you to pass.”[/color] Shizuka gripped Kurin’s shoulder and turned to look at the other two with a stare and aura of conviction and protection. [color=39b54a]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]