[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5mNTA1NjUuVFc5eWJtbHVaM01nVjJsMGFDQk5iM056YjNNZy4xAAAAAA,,/mf-i-love-glitter.regular.png[/img] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/0629d804e8a6efe99ba532be835baaad/tumblr_n9pu05rFeW1tba8a1o1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr] The relief Audrey felt after finally using the bathroom was beyond compare. Now her attention was shifted to more pressing matters: hunger. As much as she was looking for to get some nourishment after the night she’d just had, the prospect of meeting yet [i]another[/i] member of the Mossos clan in her present state was not one she was looking forward to. While washing her hands on the sink, the brunette debated on pulling a Chapo and escaping from Casa Mossos while everyone was busy at the kitchen. A loud growl of her stomach quickly vetoed that plan, causing Audrey to let out a deep, annoyed sigh. Oh, well. Might as well take advantage of the meal while she was there. Sighing again, Audrey dried her hands and made the somewhat long walk from the upstairs bathroom to the kitchen. Although keeping her head held high with a straight face, her nervousness increased with every step. The nerves were replaced with curiosity when she was steps away from the kitchen. Voices were coming from the room: Alex’s, Ava’s and another high-pitched male one. She heard the high-pitched male voice ask Alex if he’d slept well, and Audrey could clearly see in her mind the smirk Alex must have had in his face when he declared he hadn’t slept much. The Latina rolled her eyes, but ultimately smirked herself as the memories of the past night washed over her. Another growl from her stomach pulled her back to reality, and after giving another annoyed sigh she entered the kitchen. [i]“[color=skyblue]Whoa! Alex, that’s Audrey Huntsberg![/color]”[/i] The young man’s shriek caused Audrey to stop cold on her tracks. She felt her eyes widen with surprise as a thin male teen that looked to be no older than fifteen basically jumped out of his seat and approached her. However, the crown jewel of this mortifying situation was when, after he declared she was ‘amazing’ and that he had ‘watched all of the videos of her dances on Youtube’, he wrapped her in a hug that was rather strong for someone with his skinny frame. [color=deeppink]“Uuuuuuuuuummmmm, thanks...”[/color] Audrey muttered awkwardly as she returned the hug, visibly cringing. She had never felt this out of her element in her whole life. She was thankful for Ava’s interjection in her behalf. It seemed his sister was the only one who could get him to behave, because at her scold the young man named Georgie let go of Audrey and sat down. Meanwhile, the brunette took a few seconds to compose herself before taking up the empty seat next to Alexandros. She tucked a strand of her wavy brown hair behind her ear and looked around the room, purposely avoiding eye contact with everyone. [color=deeppink]“This is a really nice kitchen.”[/color] Audrey blurted out, clearing her throat at the end of her statement. The uncomfortable silence was killing her, as was the unwanted attention. The kitchen just happened to be the first thing that came to mind.