Instead of waking Aran at the end of her shift, Eira opted to pull a double and stayed up, as she had already been awake during everyone elses shifts. The sleepless nights caught up with her after she woke Overreach up for his shift and Eira couldn't stop from falling asleep, as she had her body running off of fumes at this point. Upon awakening, Eira was less than surprised to find herself alone with her mentor. She'd heard a great deal of shuffling not long ago, but couldn't quite bring herself to wake up fully. She waited until after she had everything packed to wake Aran, and noticed he hadn't seemed surprised that they had been left. Which was better for both parties, really, as this way her mentor wouldn't feel obligated to keep a faster pace than his leg could handle. Still, Eira wished that the trio had woken one of them before just abandoning the two. Eira felt the shield around the town moments before it could detect her, giving the psychometric just enough time to fully block her mind, as she had already blocked most parts as a preemptive measure. With a muttered [color=ed1c24]"Mentalist"[/color], her mentor also blocked the worst parts of his mind. After her and her mentor had parted, him opting to go to see his sister right away and Eira wishing to scout the town a bit, the pyro headed to the best place she knew she could scam some brutes out of their goods. She had just gotten her second free drink from a fairly inebriated patron, and would have rejected it if it weren't for the fact that she had been watching this particular barfly. He'd had quite a few drinks in the short time that she had been present, and all Eira would have to do is wait until he passed out and his belongings would be fair game. As she assessed the man, her plan very nearly fell through when a figure seemed to appear out of nowhere next to the drunkard. She could just make the young man call to the bartender [color=FE9A2E]"Heya! How're ya doin', Sammy?"[/color] over the protests of her potential mark. She sighed in frustration as the scenario anticipated played out beside her, but she watched it unfold all the same. After a moment of the blonde standing triumphantly in the doorway, Eira slid off the bar stool and followed, with every intention of acting as if she had known the man so she could 'take him home' and pick him clean there. It seemed a better plan, anyways. Eira waited behind the door for the young man to stop his foolish waving so she could pass, but froze instead when she felt a familiar pulse. A mentalist, and one she'd been prodded by before. She didn't have to look to see who exactly it was, as the young man called out [color=FE9A2E]"Long time no see, eh Dawn?"[/color] The pyro was suddenly glad that she hadn't let her mental defenses down after entering the town. Eira couldn't help the frustrated snort when she heard the telepath respond, and wasn't surprised to hear Drake pipe in shortly after. Good to know those two hit it off. There was a pause in their conversation as Eira brushed by the man introduced as Lucas and paid no mind to the other two until she heard the telepath mutter "Do you feel that?" This caused Eira to slow as she was making her way to the now-unconscious man, but it still took her a moment after the mutant felt it for her to catch a vague, negative pulse. [color=f7976a][i]'Oh, fun..'[/i][/color] [@Sketcher][@Claw2k11][@bmxbrat484][@Hyro]