[CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " [i]Yesterday, I watched the world burn in a thousand thousand terrible ways. Sometimes we would have to scream. Today, I'm alive to write about it. You want happy endings? Fuck. You. God help us all. Secure. Contain. Protect. [/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/2zt8x06.png[/IMG] [B]Item#:[/B] SRP - 528 [B]Roleplay Class:[/B] Realistic/Modern, 1x1 [B]Special Role-Playing Procedures:[/B] SRP-528 can be done in either a forum-based roleplay or a private messaged role-play. SRP-528 must be excluded of any realistic and thorough description of pornographic or lewd activities that serve no purpose to the plot such as [REDACTED]. SRP-528 cannot support any romantics relationships that are not heterosexual. SRP-528 must be done on a weekly basis, with both participants expected to post every week with rotations. Before any individuals proceed to interact with SRP-528, they must request permission from Head Researcher Borkus Lazorus through private-messaging along with sending a writing sample as well. [B]Description: [/B]SRP-528 is a roleplay that is set in the fictional world that involves the activities of the fictional cladestine organisation known as the SCP Foundation, an organisation that is dedicated to the study, capture and containment of SCP Objects ; anomalous artifacts or items that jeopardize the purview of normalcy. SRP-528 has 4 optional scenarios in which a subject is liable to cooperate with another subject to proceed with. For the procedure of SRP-528 to be successful, subject must have a basic knowledge of the SCP Foundation, the key word being basic. You are not required to know every piece of detail behind each of the 3000 or so SCPs on the site, every incident report, every experiment log, every possible bit of lore and trivia and so forth. Subject possess enough knowledge to make role-playing an enjoyable experience. Subject must possess the ability and conviction to do multi-paragraphed, detailed writing in each post, provided that they have adept grammar in the English language. An inclination towards world-building and pre-plotting is greatly desired for SRP-528, being encouraged for all applicants. SRP-528 appears to have manifested on 12th, September 2017 on the public forum domain, RPnation and on two public forum domains, IwakuRoleplay and Roleplayerguild, on 13th, September 2017. [/CENTER] [hr] [center][b][u]Canon 1 - Quiet Days[/u][/b] [IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/08/7a/81087a724da103a6d0298fc27f24fd74.jpg[/IMG] [B]" It was over. [/B] [B]No one in the Foundation, from the lowliest security guard to the O5 council, could quite explain exactly what was over. If they were to hazard a guess, a likely answer would have been "everything." [/B] The magic is gone. All of the Foundation's SCP's have dissapeared, gone into the wind, been suddenly exterminated or have simply become mundane. SCP-1386 now operates as a normal street ice cream vendor with actual humans inside. No one will ever know less or more about what the heck SCP-055 was. SCP-993's radio signals have mysteriously gone offline. Anomalous activity appears to have halted for the time being and the universe appears to have been restored to its former sanity. There was nothing to secure, contain or protect anymore in a world that didn't have anything that needed to be secured, contained or protected from the general purview of the public. The O5's try to keep a sense of day-by-day life in the Foundation, ironically trying to enforce decisions that would have been pertinent in an era gone by. Everyone knows that the Foundation will soon crumble and when it did, everyone would have to go back into their normal, safe, usual lives once more. The question is: how? [/center] [hr] [center][b][u]Canon 2 - Recruitment Drive[/u][/b] [IMG]http://orig05.deviantart.net/b0d2/f/2017/088/7/b/scp_foundation_recruitment_poster_by_leocwm-db3xr36.png[/IMG] [b]Okay people, sit your asses down and shut your pie holes. I’ve got places to go and people more important than you to see, because I happen to be a scientist and we scientists have a tendency to be very busy and important people. If you’re out there in the folding chairs, that means that you're the new guys. Bottom of the totem pole. But, it also means that you passed the entrance exams. Welcome to the SPC. From this moment onward, your job is very, very simple: you are going to punch sharks.[/b] The Foundation is made up of a global body of the best the world has to offer. From containment specialists, human lab rats, Mobile Task Force Units, genius criminals, technicians, architectural zoologists, exorcists, anartists, quantum theorists to professional gamers; the Foundation, with the myriad of anomalies it encounters and catalogues on a daily basis, recruits from all backgrounds and from all specialties. Naturally, the Foundation, like any employer, looks for specific qualities. A lack of connection to family and little to no desire for one. Aptitude in a field of study. Ability to focus and persevere under extreme pressure. All qualaties that the Foundation finds desirable. You were one such individual. Did they make you an offer you couldn't refuse? Was it your innate curiosity to know the 'truth'? If there even is one. Was it the paycheck? They always do open up with that, by the way. Classic business strategy. Anyway, you've been officially brought into the world (that you were most likely better off knowing without) of the Foundation. Good luck. And may God have mercy on your sanity. [/center] [hr] [center][b][u]Canon 3 - Exposed[/u][/b] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/dblkDHP.jpg[/IMG] [b] " May 10, 2014[/b] [B]Today, Dr. Robert Feldon, the former head of the Foundation "Ethics" Committee was released from the institution he was placed in following the UN Committee hearing two weeks ago and restored to his former position. The majority of the panel declined to comment on their decision to repeal their choice and return Dr. Feldon to his former position, replacing panel and Committee head Gregory Rexin as leader of the UN New Committee on the Ethical Containment of Anomalous Objects, Events, and Creatures. When questioned, Rexin said only, "In this world, this world in which everything we know is turned upside down, what is ethical? What is right and wrong and how do we define cruel and unusual?" Further comment was declined. Cont. pg. 2A ETHICS."[/b] The veil of secrecy has been unveiled. The Foundation, in cooperation with the GOC, have managed to stop a XK-class end-of-the-world scenario from happening but at a terrible cost. The complete utter destruction of North Korea, off the face of the continent. The masquerade has been broken and so has the clandestine nature of the Foundation. The world has now grown aware of the broken nature of their universe and the ones responsible for diving back into that murky darkness: the Foundation. Global humanitarian organisations and sovereign countries alike contest with the existence of anomalies and the seemingly alien world-view of the Foundation. Where are you in all this? [/center] [hr] [center][b][u]Canon 4 - State of Emergency[/u][/b] [IMG]https://orig14.deviantart.net/418e/f/2010/148/4/9/containment_breach_sub_level_5_by_cryptcrawler.jpg[/IMG] [b]" WARNING! WARNING! CONTAINMENT BREACH IN LEVEL 5! CONTAINMENT BREACH IN LEVEL 5! ALL CLASS C PERSONNEL AND THOSE WITH HIGHER RANKING PROCEED TO NEAREST FOUNDATION EVACUATION ASSEMBLY AREA!" [/b] What was supposed to be just another normal day in the Foundation has turned into the worse moment of your life. You don't know how it happened but all you remember are the lights flickering, a sudden rumbling in the ground before everything goes black. The klaxons are going off, people are rushing for the exit, screams, shouts and everyone's letting out their fears about but you, sir or ma'am, are stuck in the midst of all this confusion. Will you ever escape this nightmare unharmed or succumb to the monstrosities that were not meant to be? [/center] [hr] [CENTER][i]"You look afraid. Don't be afraid. This is a dream. The last dream you may ever have, for nightmares are coming."[/i][/CENTER]