[@Rune_Alchemist] [@Polaris North] [@Lord of Evil] [@TheHangedMan] [center]-------[/center] [quote=Suzue Yamazaki] [color=8493ca]"Ah...silly me, I'm getting a little too chatty aren't I? Care for a window seat, sir?"[/color] [/quote] "Yes. I'd love that." The priest replied with a smile. Once the priest was seated, his eyes was locked on the customers that Asia was serving and they returned the sentiment. Asia noticed this and slowly moved away from the brewing confrontation. She was still watching though, waiting to see what happens next in this tense situation. By this point, [u]Mia[/u] was on top of Delilah. "[color=red]Ah, Mia![/color]" She said, startled from the unexpected glomp. "[color=red]Please, Mia. Get off at once. Something's happening here.[/color]" Delilah ordered the Devil. Once that happened, the Dantalion King got up only for the scene to truly unfold. The four men got up from their table and brandished wavy, ornate daggers. They appeared to be sacrificial knives of sort. Something one would see in a stereotypical occult gatherings. One of them rushed the couple Delilah was serving, dragged the girl by the hair and held her hostage. The priest got up in return and brandished his weapon: A [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/b/b8/Annihilator_menu_icon_BO3.png/revision/latest?cb=20160303205102]revolver-looking gun with an elongated, more complex barrel[/url]. The weapon was aimed at the hostage-taker who hid further behind his hostage. "No need to involve them. We can take this outside, you know?" The priest told the hostage-taker. "[color=f7941d]Damn you, priest![/color]" The man hissed. "[color=f7941d]Go away and don't follow us![/color]" "We both know I can't do that." The situation has unexpectedly escalated. Asia took cover while Delilah began to glow with power though she allowed her pieces to go first. Though, only the peerage saw that one of the men was muttering something silently, only moving his mouth. He appeared to be chanting or channelling a spell of some sort.