[i][h3]The Vale[/h3][b]The Town,[/b] [b]Currently[/b][/I] The gnome's eyes grew huge in wondrous surprise, almost as though they would eclipse the rest of him at this rate. Valmjr... [i]lived[/i]? His mouth sat slightly agape for a moment before the paladin and her wizardly escort bolted past him. Blinking and shaking his head from side to side some to throw off his own surprise, he quickly followed - well, as far as it seemed reasonable down the worn dirt path that was. Holding none too far from below where the slayer and scholar perched, his hands began to work the little magic he understood; a pink and almost at times lavender aura swelled around them with a light thrum. Concentrating as best he could on his spell, Birbin could hold back his excitement at seeing another friend no longer. "Don't worry, Valmjr! Birbin's friends can do this!" He shouted, hands still working arcane gestures no higher than his shoulders. Thea on the meanwhile, still at a near charge, had drawn her greatsword and was well prepared to cut down the offending mage; the being whose black, lightless robes seeped with infinite darkness, almost as though they were shifting atop it. Whatever it was, it was no threat to be ignore if it did know magic as it seemed and the redeemed crusader of the Kingdom of Light was certain she would be the best to put such a threat to rest. Haemar knew this just as well, allowing his companion to handle that danger. In the meanwhile, sword slipping deftly from its scabbard as he slowed, he chose with lightning alacrity a spell to be cast the next moment following. The enemy at bay for the moment, the heroes knew well their advantage was not going to see them through forever; swords were being drawn, shields being raised, dark enchantments and spells beginning to eek into the air. Soon again the town would erupt into chaos and conflict, this time on the footsteps of the [i]Hall[/i], a place dedicated to it as though it were some sort of strange shrine or temple to heroic violence. [hider=Effects] Haemar and Thea advance directly toward the enemy, weapons at the ready and prepared to meet them. Birbin too draws closer and readies an action to cast some sort of ray of purple light when an enemy comes in range. [b]Score[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/NQ5S8vs2n0U?t=54s]A Fellow Hero[/url] [b]Map[/b] [url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/map.html#id=4370]Town[/url] [b]Initiative Order[/b][list] [*] [i]Haemar (19)[/i] [*] [i]Thea (19)[/i] [*] Katia (16) [*] Theodore (16) [*] [i]Birbin (13)[/i] [*] Cesar (12) [*] [i]Shadows (10)[/i] [*] [i]Night Fury (10)[/i] [*] Wick (5) [*] Valmjr (4) [/list] [/hider] [@Cu Chulainn], [@Gordian Nought], [@Hekazu], [@JBRam2002], [@Rig]